Frage von Average Idiot:
Hi all, I am confronted with the problem until next week to have to complete a film project.
My raw materials are one of the Avis DV camcorder, and rendered some jpg images.
The individual jpgs will have to put together what I have been synonymous with GIMP ffmpg hingekriegt or stored (as avi then).
Then should not the created jpgs from the sequence about the Avis of the camcorder are placed with additive blending.
I've tried with Cinelerra, but I baked war because nothing vorallendingen with import and export, I only have trouble.
Can someone please me a free software (of my friend from synonymous for Windows), with which I can import the stuff and then crossfade with 2 tracks. Export as Mpeg2 would be good I have it on DVD or at least somehow give as s.meinen teacher.
Schonmal Thanks for answers.
Antwort von JoeFX:

Wies looks like you use Linux. Jahaka is quite recommendable.