Frage von wrunge:
on the Internet are currently several shops, which offer relatively cheap, the two three-legged tripods "Professional video tripod FT9901 walimex" and "FT9902" (so about 200-300 euros).
Both are fluidgedämpft and enable 360-degree panorama, and panning Neigbewegungen of +85 ° to -85 °.
Does / has anyone one of these tripods, and can tell whether they are usable? Or are there other recommendations for cheap but reasonable Tripods?
Thank you ...
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Guest"
the search function of this forum is really fast and delivers - provided the right keywords - very useful results. In this case, the search term "Walimex" would lead you to your destination, for example on this post:
... Walimex FT9902 (299 euros) of Designer Athletic ... Recommendations for other Tripods you find here:
Tripods ...
Antwort von videot:

I once dust here this thread a bit ask whether it might already are several people who have experience with Tripod of made?
A more damning criticism in the forum so I could read already, but perhaps that was an isolated incident?
A loud Manufacturer "professional video tripod" (FT-9902) to ¬ 250 - is already very tempting ...
I know one or the other forum members here is certainly equal to "the law of business recite," I risk anyway, and simply ask for opinions and experiences?
I hope the answer to many!
Antwort von Markus:

Recently, I browsed the catalog and Conrad came up with three cheap Hama Camera Tripod for 15 to 45 euros: "... and synonymous ideally suited for professionals." Hello? How is it defined as the pro?
I just wanted to get rid of and will not evaluate the Walimex Tripods-be. Another opinion would be of interest to me once synonymous, synonymous, if not I plan to buy a tripod to-Walimex. ;-)
Antwort von Fridolin:
A loud Manufacturer "professional video tripod" (FT-9902) to ¬ 250 - is already very tempting ...
Tripod Gamma 80 Hama Video
Optimally matched to all Sony & Canon videographers. A professional tripod for 119 euros, according to Manufacturer. If ausgeststtet with a remote control and one Neiger with Fluid-Effect. Professionals kauft!
Cameraman at the Flea Circus
Antwort von Basti:

hello people,
I wanted to again return to the tripods of Conrad. Of course it is a bit over the tripods in this price class as a "professional tripods called" too. But it should be synonymous remember advertises on what customers Conrad with such offers.
I've said my Camera Tripod with Conrad gakauft (Hama Gamma 72) and must say that it is fully sufficient for my use of the area.
Who, of course, has a professional Beta Cam, it is said, of course, on such deals with Conrad Schlapplachen (such as to comply with clients)
Antwort von PowerMac:

The Walimex things are great.
I've recently bought for the SWR five such Tripods including professional cameras of Pearl and Conrad.
Antwort von Peter S.:

"Professional cameras of Pearl and Conrad"
That was good! Ich lach 'mich tot!
MFG Peter
Antwort von rtzbild:
[low-cost "benefit stative"]
Thank you ... Aloha,
IMHO it depends on what you want to do.
For a weekend film professional who s.and s.seine kiddies for the open channel will, come what may, for the cameraman who has his stuff synonymous use under harsh conditions, is difficult.
IMHO are jodoch Prices of 500 euros for a Vinten "5" simply too expensive.
Unfortunately there are not many alternatives ... * grumble *
At least the quality is right and the service at Vinten (Bad Kreuznach).
The development costs account for some, however, the material value is about 10 euros.
BTW: professionals build their stuff even partially synonymous, when there is nothing made up.
Gruß Olli
Antwort von CuttingCrew:

I too found it difficult to find useful information about Tripod to. That's why I risked it and simply times the 9901 auction on ebay. Caveat: I'm sending it back again!
So, yes, it looks professional, but who knows a 501er kit (or similar) and to approximately similar hopes will be severely disappointed. It is small (only 1.37 m high) has thin profile, looks cheap processed (get fast) scratches, is not very stable, has no spikes, and the worst is the "fluid loss. This part does smell of oil completely, but it can not be s.der damping involved. The vertical is still yes, but when properly jerky horizontal panning. The only good is the Nivellierhalbkugel, but I do not know whether the level of her standard. Did not seem as it would be 75mm.
Conclusion: synonymous "semi-professional" would be clearly excessive. The tripod offers only optical professionalism. Who needs soft panning, should keep away from it. Although it is better than a simple Cullmann or Hama, but the better Tripods these companies will soon bring the same thing for less money.
But anyone who still wants to buy a Walimex on ebay, which should make not only via Buy It Now. Walser every now and again does s.1, - ¬ A and go for the max. 2 / 3 of the price path (125, - ¬ for me). They are then maybe, as in my case, returns with slight scratches.
Hope all who helped hereby Walimex-Liebäuglern too. I certainly have learned that it can unfortunately only Manfrotto & Co. really good.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Carsten,
thanks for the feedback, I have Was this information. I will no longer play with the thought that I may possibly maybe perhaps someday even a Zweitstativ of Walimex buy. ;-)
Antwort von Blitz Fotostudio:

Walimex FT9901
Absolutely right ... Carsten
But, you can tinker and who can disassemble the head not miss this offer ....
1. Horizontal inclination of the hemisphere auseinanderbaen and install the zentralbolzen s.Kopf a thin soft kunstoffdichtung maximum of 2mm and treat them with chain spray entire head
You get absolutely 100% Flid damping even better than the original
Antwort von PowerMad:
The Walimex things are great.
I've recently bought for the SWR five such Tripods including professional cameras of Pearl and Conrad. lol;)