Frage von UlmsSkyliner:
do you know how I enter the "Video" another video of me getting elected?
So even see what I mean:
zum Bild This is a Picture of TV Total and how can I now the video "replace" instead of the boxers a video that I made?
With a mask?
So I have downloaded the video and would now like to insert my video.
How should I proceed?
Is that possible with Premiere?
or a tool?
But the "framework of TV Total" should remain the only video where the boxers are to be exchanged
mfg chris
Antwort von susiwong:

You make the shut Boxvideo image. Since radierst you with the graphics program of your choice, the video from the middle out. The center must then be made transparent.
The Still Image, you can then click the second video track "run" can.
Antwort von anrosena:

How can the video also shrink to make it in a small window to run? Supposedly, you can frame photos on the Hollywood FX make - but did not yet rausgefunden how it works. Has anyone ever done this?
Antwort von Markus:
How can the video also shrink to make it in a small window to run? In the Instructions of the software used (also premiere?) Is such a thing is described. The search could "scale" to be.