Frage von Sess:
Halli hallo,
have you any idea how to (not perfect of course), with a normal camera 3Chip recorded material can change so that it makes at least the appearance, as will a video game show?
They go once a normal, slightly worse graphics of a "normal game", where one with a guy somewhere rumrennt and doing things, and then the Street Fighter graphics.
You could, for example verpixeln, at least to me fall right off the bat.
Or s.den colors herumschrauben?
The entire need only look something like this, nothing big.
If your ideas of who has, ask her so soon :-)
Lieben Gruß,
Antwort von Markus:
... recorded material can change so that it makes at least the appearance, as will a video game show? Comparisons times a game with real photos: The game is all relatively "clean" and Textures are repeated on the same way. In reality, however sticking chewing gum on the pavement or dog pile breitgetretene decorate the path.
The game moves the camera usually only when the player moves. Accelerations, delays and pans can be very abrupt. Journeys are very clean and mostly without any Gewackel.
The lighting in the game are more or less balanced, because the game has been so for the presentation s.Screen optimized. A video image without additional lighting (even s.Tag) are often not balanced enough to replicate this impression.
It's been a long time ago, with games that I have seen grainy images (C64, Amiga, 386). This effect so I would rather not use. This could be a blur, only to land, but not on the contour affects the game feel much more produce.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
One technique with which you can do something.
A Scanner Darkly, which you know maybe it has been made.
One of the absolute classics that I had when he came out was very impressed ;-)))) (film)
And in the wake of Crysis and FarCry is probably more like the way I get games with movie look and not vice versa ;-)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
where one with a guy somewhere rumrennt and doing things, and then the Street Fighter graphics. This makes the appearance, as you have only a vague idea of your project.
In any case, you should see yourself examples from computer games raussuchen ( and synonymous watch on youtube, how is it in the animation behaves.
Then try to understand how these graphics were created and are trying, using After Effects or similar effect to simulate this. I have no idea how you look at the precise idea, but only with a 3CCD camcorder and a reduction of Resolutionwirst you do not achieve much.
I am still somehow synonymous to a new edition of animationstaugliche Deluxe Paint .... so that would, if hard synonymous.