Frage von leoconcepts:
I have MC 3.0 and export my films. avi. Unfortunately I s.TV when playing in bright points (sky-clouds) are not smooth transitions but pixilated. What do I need for adjustment, so I will no longer have. Am grateful for tips
lg Steffi
Antwort von Jogi:

Why AVI?. Export your movies in the format of how they come to the Camera or the timeline format, with the clips you put your editing!
Also known as "exchange format" behaves AVI often problematic.
Antwort von leoconcepts:

Thanks for your answer, but what do you mean?
I play the movies on a Canon HV30 that and than what should I export?
Antwort von Jogi:

The HV30 is filming in HDV, so 1440x1080. In this format, you have certainly synonymous Timlin the format set in the MC. So s.besten in the Mpeg2 codec 1440x1080, outsource.
What do you play because? At a media player?
Antwort von leoconcepts:

first thank you for your help and sorry for my Begriffstützigkeit:)
I play on a Canon is not HD, since these contributions in our local TV will come, and only have DV. Where can I Timeline format? Colleagues have told me it hangs together with the bitrate, I can not at the Avid 32-bit set, right? Please help, because I have the next feature to be cut, and I come off with the not klar.lg Steffi
Antwort von Jogi:

32 bit rendering solves your problem and not normal for a DV output, you need this high Rendergüte not. As you can now have DV output, I can not tell you. I do not work with the MC. But something like "File - Export, etc. but it must give, and among them are certainly the output settings to be found. Do you work for the first time with the MC?