Frage von dot:::com:
The general discussion about the aperture in the free choice of limited video recording capabilities of the EOS Mark II 500D/5D I have not let it rest. If yes synonymous with stupid, expensive, good Canon Lenses are in the cupboard and have to be extra to shoot old manual controllable to fetch.
The solution is as simple as cheap and you can do all of his expensive-Lens sweetie continues to use:
Paper rings for decoupling between the contacts to the Lens Control!
I have here and a PDF with 12 templates to print created: ist es besser, im häufigeren Einsatz etwas festeres, als Papier zu nehmen, stabilere Klarsichtfolie oder sowas. Zu dick sollte die aber nicht sein.
Ich übernehme natürlich keine Garantie für eventuelle Schäden, kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass es da welche geben kann.
Der nächste Schritt wäre vielleicht, die Kontakte zur Lens-Fokussierung with kleinen Öffnungen durchgängig bleiben zu lassen. Die Aperture bliebe dann offen and der Autofokus könnte trotzdem genutzt werden. Weiß aber nicht, ob das überhaupt funktioniert.
Hier ist noch ein Beispiel- Video :
It shows the loading and a shaky swing by the dark interior to the bright sun outside world. To illustrate it should be enough.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Good Idea
Use of perhaps Oramask
The escapement is the PlotterFolie I use for sandblasting or airbrush work.
Can you actually any plotter / printer operations cut - Oramask is slightly self-adhesive (see slide mobile phone display)
exist in various strengths.
B. DeKid
Antwort von dot:::com:

Sounds good. Sowas certainly makes it robust.
Other hand, I would fear for adhesive surface that contacts a permanent lubricating film with contact difficulties getting or because too much dust and dirt into the open the Camera could reach.
But such a plotted film disc, that would be almost a business idea ... o)
Antwort von WideScreen:

Can a yes Bastel out a bow.
From clippers to video in 5 easy steps.
"... I have something already prepared ...." * rofl *
Antwort von Markus_Krippner:

Grüße Euch :-)
To cut the rings in there or DIY stationery store n prima tool. There in the corner of such a craft circle cutter for paper. The look similar ne caliper with cutting knives. You do, however, then NEN precise focus. But it should be with his graphics program so no major problem.
The best results I have achieved by saying the paper had moved to the cut, and not the crop circles.
And: Only the outer cut ... then the inner diameter. After the first failure you will already see ;-)
Antwort von dot:::com:

Can you please have a link to such a circle cutter to post? Sounds interesting.
With the scissors, it is actually a very nice gefrickel, the paper disc cut.
I have the same synonymous times the pdf template with a central mark:
Antwort von Zizi:

Well you should always slightly dim ..
With a Lens 1.4er I get, however never had a 1.6 or 1.8 Aperture out ..
The automatic transmission can only Stepwise 1.4/2.0/2.8, etc. ..
does that in the video mode is not otherwise available as synonymous or a trick?
Antwort von Markus_Krippner:

Here is a link to his circle cutter so that I am talking about:
The one I have (from Obi) looks a bit different, but in principle is the same.
At the exact price, I can not remember .... should be anything between 5 - and 10 - euro. The Internet-shop, of which I have the Picture, it only costs 3.50.
Gruß ...
markus ... :-)
Antwort von Markus_Krippner:

I come now because grad echt ne perverse idea:
Could not even try, smaller inner diameter from the paper to cut, and this smaller inner diameter IS my Aperture. The built-Aperture Lens of must of course fully open to this.
Perhaps it makes sense if we as black paper notes.
Certainly it is still somehow synonymous then calculate what the inner diameter aperture value.
markus ... :-)
Antwort von dot:::com:

Age Perversling! o)
Habs just tried. Looks sadly blurred and washed out, in any case with a white paper as the aperture ring.
But I think that it generally will not work because the "Aperture" then s.eine optical body will be suboptimal.
But reminds me that I have around for a while, times have read that someone is a pinhole camera has gebastelt by s.Stelle of the lens cover - with a small hole in front of it - which has aufgeschraubt. I wanted to actually try synonymous but then my cover a hole.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Zizi
So if you have 1.4 it was 2.0 or 2.4 is the OPTIMAL advantage!
@ Markus_Krippner
You can still with a plotter smallest "Circles / Lcher 'cut - but to make Aperture so I do not feasible - that is, on / with foil (even if it is" thick "foil truck is - is nothing.
For Cokin there is little hard Papp then have the heart or binoculars / key Lcher had what was without a compiler still could be quite useful.
The idea of you should be possible between Lens and Body sit almost in the form of an adapter ring with a metal disc, for example in between, or, just a mechanical aperture .... I do not know what effect this has on the Auflagemass effect. Perhaps something about the WoWu say you know something is in fairly good from.
B. DeKid
** CFR someone gave me a "ö" stole **:-(
Antwort von Markus_Krippner:

@ B. DeKid: So I was so synonymous meant ... the (black) paper ring is stuck between Camera and Lens and has dual function. 1. He serves as the isolation of the contact pins so that the auto-aperture is off, and 2 he represents its inner diameter by a mechanical aperture dar.
Well ... I understand so much synonymous net of Optics - and dot:::: com hats ja grad probiert: It haut net out ... ne halt was only spontaneous idea
markus ....
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Dot:: com
this is almost as what what you said - I have here is Funny
The "cover" abuse is an old trick and works pretty well synonymous, it is even a black film Döschen this stick and synonymous with a hole.
Before 2-3 months was in the DOCMA I have a credible sollcher "Retro" Report printed.
the appropriate thread
Like a drawn cover with holes
B. DeKid