Frage von windows movie maker opfer:
As already said in tétel my prob is quite simple.
If I would like to save Viedeo it usually takes minutes 999999999999999999999999999999999999999 was (as it is synonymous below) WTF is the problem. ? What can I tuhen that eswieder normal off?
Antwort von Kanalratte:

Then you have so much time thinking about how to formulate a post so that everyone understands what you want.
Maybe then you will be helped.
Antwort von ...:

neibnst what you?
Antwort von Markus:

What you find with the search ... is a summary of me, which reads as follows:
"On this issue of Movie Makers is here to read more often ... but never a solution. Except, perhaps, another one should take video editing program." Udn now on windows movie maker victims:
what is the mii Shucfunkiton findt ... is ne of Zusammenfsugn mi, di wf reads:
"About Porblem diss the Movei Makers is here to read more ... aba ne never dauz solution. Vielleihct Besides, one should take Vidoshitprogrmam n otherwise."