Frage von r.p.television:
Hello everybody!
Just had a very disappointing and annoying experience with the Customer Service of Boris.
I had about a year ago, the FX 4.0 Boris Continuum filters Packet purchased.
You install it with only a serial number, then you have a unlock code request to allow the filter longer than three weeks can use.
I have a result of reinstalling Windows or the purchase of a new computer about 4 times a new unlock code request, because at each new installation of a new Windows Product ID to unlock the unlock codes must also be sent.
Because I'm me because of the new partition facilities now to reinstall Windows XP had, logically, I needed a new Unlock Code.
Response of Boris:
Unfortunately, per company policy we can not give you anymore unlock codes for your BCC 4.0, s.several have already been provided. What you'll need to do is upgrade to BCC 5.0, you can purchase the upgrade for $ 295 from our web store or by contacting the Sales department at:
Thanks and sorry,
Jon I think it's not funny somewhere and I feel cheated.
I have something with 700, - Euro for the pay packet filter. The filters are synonymous good, but I did not feel like every year, once again 200, - Euro in an upgrade to plug, so I new unlock codes do.
I then synonymous with those of some ambitious decoration.
Wanted to write here so everyone can decide himself whether he 700, - euro investment for the risk after a few Neuinstalltionen nothing more to have, are not overpaid.
Especially because the Boris plug-ins but the most widely purchased belong.
I did not want an overseas dispute that, but generally I would be given time a sound legal statement of interest, whether sowas überhaupt lawful (despite police company) is.
Sure wish software companies avoided with this system, that software will be relayed, but with such a sign they bring me more about the future rather take a crack to use, although I was always opposed.
I'm now curious as to how the angry response to my response and perhaps not yet ready gnädigerweise me an unlock code to send by mail.
If so, I will report it here.
LG Mike
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

In Germany, is something not right. The software with a free registration code on which (makes Microsoft so synonymous with Windows) is one thing, after a few further use to refuse - because it is pointed out - is not right and the consumer unreasonably disadvantage. Finally, the user must have the right to his PC, its operating system, etc. may be synonymous change.
As far as the
German law.
In U.S. law, I know I am not so good, but it would be to consider whether the American company is not here in D could be sued, but at least in the U.S. according to German and international law.
I would be very surprised if in the U.S. this would be acceptable business practice. For a new unlock code some kind of fee / handling fee to ask, I can even imagine, but then an update to this item?
Meanwhile, the company would have given it a thought, if some user forums, relying on this thread, the company write times, the email quote and say "so I will just tell me your NOT filter ever buy." *)
BG, Andreas
*) Addendum: first mail out.
Antwort von Giagl:
I have a result of reinstalling Windows or the purchase of a new computer about 4 times a new unlock code request, because at each new installation of a new Windows Product ID to unlock the unlock codes must also be sent. But it is strange, within one year and the same calculator 5x (!) New aufzusetzten ...
Looks to me little professional!
Antwort von Giagl:
In Germany, is something not right. The software with a free registration code on which (makes Microsoft so synonymous with Windows) is one thing, after a few further use to refuse - because it is pointed out - is not right and the consumer unreasonably disadvantage. Finally, the user must have the right to his PC, its operating system, etc. may be synonymous change.
As far as the German law.
In U.S. law, I know I am not so good, but it would be to consider whether the American company is not here in D could be sued, but at least in the U.S. according to German and international law.
I would be very surprised if in the U.S. this would be acceptable business practice. For a new unlock code some kind of fee / handling fee to ask, I can even imagine, but then an update to this item?
Meanwhile, the company would have given it a thought, if some user forums, relying on this thread, the company write times, the email quote and say "so I will just tell me your NOT filter ever buy."
BG, Andreas you have your Nokia phone ... been thrown away the power of the customer shown ...
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
you have your Nokia phone ... been thrown away the power of the customer shown ... Do you know another way? Then tell the look.
Antwort von Giagl:

Nokia mobile phone brings nothing away, but do not buy it! So I look at the strange with Boris.
And his calculator within a year up to 5x new need is unfortunately not uncommon. I had already synonymous and make the following reasons:
1x Typical Windowslangsamkeit
3x HDD defect
2x RAM defect after voltage fluctuations
Ups were even 6x, how unprofessional.
Antwort von Giagl:
Nokia mobile phone brings nothing away, but do not buy it! So I look at the strange with Boris.
And his calculator within a year up to 5x new need is unfortunately not uncommon. I had already synonymous and make the following reasons:
1x Typical Windowslangsamkeit
3x HDD defect
2x RAM defect after voltage fluctuations
Ups were even 6x, how unprofessional. You say it!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
So I look at the strange with Boris.
Of this but get nothing :-))) with the mail not to write takes three minutes.
Antwort von Der Mondmann:

I would write an email synonymous, can only barely a word in English. If someone here hineinkopiert his text, I do synonymous with.
Schweinerei sowas find ich.
Antwort von Giagl:

@ rptelevision
if you feel cheated, then they are fraudulent back.
C ** cke the part and ready
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
@ rptelevision
if you feel cheated, then they are fraudulent back.
C ** cke the part and ready Yet another posting, the world does not need.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
If someone here hineinkopiert his text, I do synonymous with.
Dear Sirs,
I have just learned that your company policy prohibit a buyer from using your software after reinstalling Windows for more than three or four times.
You wrote a mail to a customer:
"Unfortunately, per company policy we can not give you anymore unlock codes for your BCC 4.0, s.several have already been provided. What you'll need to do is upgrade to BCC 5.0, you can purchase the upgrade for $ 295 from our web - store or by contacting the Sales department at: "
This is surely not what one may call "customer care", this is almost similar to a fraudulent scheme MMF. Furthermore, it is discriminating customers who had to reinstall their computer due to the well known faults of the Windows OS. I came to the conclusion that buying any of your products is not a good idea, and now I will look elsewhere.
xxxx For example ...?
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Giagl:
In U.S. law, I know I am not so good, but it would be to consider whether the American company is not here in D could be sued, but at least in the U.S. according to German and international law. Zero success for all stakeholders.
Value for money success for the lawyer!
Antwort von Thomasso:

With regard to German legal position would be interesting what the position of the
Antwort von r.p.television:

But it is strange, within one year and the same calculator 5x (!) New aufzusetzten ...
Looks to me little professional! What is odd and unprofessional?
I really do basically every 4 months at my new calculator. An old habit and I bilde me, then the system is running stable again synonymous.
if you feel cheated, then they are fraudulent back.
C ** cke the part and ready
In this case I would have of course no remorse, give me a crack to obtain. Finally, I worked for the software package paid.
But - shame on me - I do not know how and where I get such a crack, because I seemingly always in the past too honest skin was. The honesty this is not always rewarded, this example shows again.
Basically, I have great respect for the intellectual property of others. Klaue yes, I do not synonymous DVDs from Media Markt.
Because of the tips with the Australian Sales:
The times I will go, thanks.
Maybe yes, the behavior of a serious business than the Americans and give pressure accordingly.
Antwort von Giagl:

If you have Astalavista Google for searches and thinks this is what ...
Antwort von Giagl:

if you feel cheated, then they are fraudulent back.
C ** cke the part and ready
In this case I would have of course no remorse, give me a crack to obtain. Finally, I worked for the software package paid.
But - shame on me - I do not know how and where I get such a crack, because I seemingly always in the past too honest skin was. The honesty this is not always rewarded, this example shows again.
Well, today I would not do - many cracks are contaminated with rootkits ...
Antwort von bArtMan:
Because of the tips with the German distribution: The times I will go, thanks. Maybe yes, the behavior of a serious business than the Americans and give pressure accordingly. Mache and in every case. I come more from the audio field and have since made similar experiences. A US-plug-in I have only with nerves of the German sales after Neuaufsetzen of the system to run again.
The Hammer: I actually wanted to sell but the manufacturer refuses to accept the plug-in license to the buyer. Allegedly, because it is a lifetime purchase to act. Under German law Schmarn complete. However, the U.S. company synonymous an exception. For many other companies which now goes completely smoothly.
Good luck.