Frage von Benutzername:
I have my wedding film are here.
He was on the SonyHCR 17E filmed.
I have the camera with firewire connected s.meinen Calculator and with Sonic My DVD captured.
It all worked, but the film on the DVD is grisselig and not as good as on the small screen of the camera.
What have I done wrong? Or is the quality not so great and always grisselig? I have quality DV format.
I would be glad if someone helps me.
Antwort von steveb:

Possibly you have regarding the issue on the DVD, but compression is used. Since your source material in DV quality was captured and several GB is size, each program for the output to a DVD the data again "shrink", thus cause a "lower quality".
Synonymous review times in the various threads here in the beginner forum. There is everything about this extensively explained.
Antwort von Markus73:
It all worked, but the film on the DVD is grisselig and not as good as on the small screen of the camera.
What have I done wrong? Where was filmed? In the building with not very good light? Then it is quite possible that the bad picture, therefore, comes this weakness, many of the smaller camcorder.
The display of the camera you notice that usually do not.
If truly "DV" has been captured, then you will not do much.
Antwort von Benutzername:

To determine whether the transfer of the Camera from your PC to the DVD much quality is lost or if the recording itself was poor quality (and you are on the small screen just did not notice) there is a simple test:
Close your camera directly s.den times on television (via video-out or s-video out) and then playing the tape from. This picture should then be little better than your DVD player, if you are in the preparation of the DVD have made no mistakes.
Antwort von Benutzername:

The shots are indoors and daußen.
In the church, it was not quite as bright, but even outside and it is synonymous grisselig.
How would ye do?
I have now entered in high quality sonic my dvd, but it is no big difference. I want the next video does not edit, only in good quality on DVD and then watch with the family.
Is there a program that better captured?
Antwort von Benutzername:

Unfortunately our Television these connections are not ...:-(
Antwort von Daigoro:
Unfortunately our Television these connections are not ...:-( If the scart Television, there's dafuer adapter. Looks about like this:
Otherwise would be interesting, how many minutes / hours recording on the DVD you wanted to burn.
Many 'user friendly' Programs let you umpteen hours on ne persuasive pull and compress DVD then to their own discretion.
Then you have 5 hours movie on its DVD, but the quality is all sow.
ps is grisselig "somewhat like this:
Or this:
or so:
: D
Antwort von Benutzername:

So rather like the first but not so bad.
I do not stop if it is normal that there was grisselt in the Picture, synonymous with Tageslichtaufnahmen.Also there is a mini-dv with 60 minutes.
Antwort von Daigoro:
So rather like the first but not so bad.
I do not stop if it is normal that there was grisselt in the Picture, synonymous with Tageslichtaufnahmen.Also there is a mini-dv with 60 minutes. Hmm .. Image noise is something at the cheaper cameras ever since (SonyHC17?). Some more, some less.
The first picture is more typical for recordings with too little light.
Antwort von Benutzername:

Should I stay because sonic? Or is there a better to capture?
I have our video back then Standesamt synonymous made and this is better, white is no longer with the program I have done. Is one particularly recommend?
Antwort von Daigoro:

WinDV.,Video Editing/WinDV-1.2.3.html
On the better, I do not know, but this time you can at least secure in DV Capturn (13GB/Stunde approx).
Could be that the Sonic in MPG and captured again by the quality suffers.
Then, with excellent ( in accordance with the highest possible data rate and convert MPG2 schaun whether the result is still so modest. As can be synonymous, the first 10 seconds of the film can convert and then play around with different settings for the best possible result to get.
Antwort von Benutzername:

Thanks I try that now.
Do I have it as an MPEG 2 or can I convert it synonymous in the format as it makes windv burn?
Antwort von Daigoro:

WinDV capturt DV Avi. This is too big to burn (as I said, about 12-13GB per hour of video) and DVD player should not play anyway you can.
It is the recording times but directly s.Computer view (is only slightly darker than s.Television and 'interlaced', so there's comic strip for faster movement).
To see whether the grisseln but on the original is, but should be (except for the adapter to the camera via SVideo connected directly s.den Television) is still the best option.
Antwort von Axel:

Image noise can be reduced by compression or reinforced. Do not hope that it will disappear entirely, but if you have the code for the DVD, the data rate reduces, the artifacts tend to be more (Blöckchen, as in the third example image) and less noise detailfreudigem lead. A kind of smoothing. Suggested data rate: 4 Mbit / s or 120 min for a normal disc.
Antwort von Benutzername:

We now have such a power fetched.
There is the Picture supergut and almost no grisseln.
Hmm will it now with new windv capture and then burn.