Frage von Bernd 12:Hello I am new and ask for help. I have my Panasonic NV-GS27EG-E and now wishes to increase the data on the computing bondage get. I found the problem but Windows 2000 does not recognize the cam and has no drivers for this. I would like to transfer with usb. Is there perhaps somewhere a suitable driver for this?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Markus73:
I have my Panasonic NV-GS27EG-E and now wishes to increase the data on the computing bondage get. I found the problem but Windows 2000 does not recognize the cam and has no drivers for this. I would like to transfer with usb. And precisely this latter is the fault. Use Firewire why this is the standard way. Then you save the driver next to search synonymous few other problems. That being said (I'm just not sure), I suspect that the GS27 usb not transmitted in full quality, if the transfer is possible.
The topic was here, incidentally, has introduced approximately 512 times ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
The topic was here, incidentally, has introduced approximately 512 times ;-) That you realize that you are not yet as long as it did. The specified number is too low. ;-)))
Antwort von Jan:
There are no special drivers for the GS 27!
The webcam function of the GS 27 only works with XP / Win 2000 - where no extra drivers needed, but of Windows auto detect, so long as SP 2 for XP has it. Who with the webcam quality (320x240) is satisfied, USB is used.
All reasonable filmmakers used the firewire port and do not need any Drivers and benefit of 720x576.
Perfecting the Canon MV 900 & SonyHC 27 have no USB, there is very clear with what is dubbed ....
Please not again with the Pixela USB to Firewire adapter come, then that would be the time 513te