Frage von detlef:
what hardware do I need minimally to DVC PRO HD postprocess / cutting? No interest s.Macs!
Greeting detlef
Antwort von PowerMac:

Too bad, because (m) a small single 1.6 GHz G5 with may very well already synonymous with Final Cut Pro ...
Unfortunately you need (* g *) a fairly fast computer, a dual Opteron oa
Of the Avid DNxHD codec is unfortunately not particularly fast.
Antwort von detlef:
Too bad, because (m) a small single 1.6 GHz G5 with may very well already synonymous with Final Cut Pro ...
Unfortunately you need (* g *) a fairly fast computer, a dual Opteron oa
Of the Avid DNxHD codec is unfortunately not particularly fast.
Otherwise: Must unfortunately remain with PC ... have much to do with 3D animation ...
As it looks out for with the new Intel Core Duo processors? Sowas would not be long? I need a RAID? How much memory?
The link does not work.
Antwort von San-ju hachi:

Why do you have to stick with the PC? Wait a bit from the WWDC, as new macs are coming in which then the Woodcrest (ie, the new Xeon is to potter).
Then watch the price and time with HP, Dell or IBM compare (in the 3D space is actually one s.einer workstation not over).
The highlight: the new Macs to run Windows natively and therefore synonymous the chests were the most flexible machines with regard to the OS and at least worth considering.
If the price is not too high (which is in Comparison to an HP workstation probably not be the case), it will be with me around this time, a Mac and the new can with certainty with DVCPro HD (especially the quad system, which will be particularly interesting).
Antwort von San-ju hachi:
Too bad, because (m) a small single 1.6 GHz G5 with may very well already synonymous with Final Cut Pro ...
Unfortunately you need (* g *) a fairly fast computer, a dual Opteron oa
Of the Avid DNxHD codec is unfortunately not particularly fast.
Otherwise: It need not always be Avid!
With EDIUS 4 Broadcast will be wonderful and the PC can be less powerful than that of HDV.
Antwort von Nightfly!:

DUAL s.3, 4 GHz should be minimum. Of course, with associated memory. Waiting for the 2s core of Intel.
Antwort von PowerMac:
DUAL s.3, 4 GHz should be minimum. Of course, with associated memory. Waiting for the 2s core of Intel.
Nightfly! Waiting for Core 2: flat. Mind Dual 3.4 GHz: hogwash. This nonsense with the GHz numbers probably runs forever next. I thought that had been synonymous PC-understood people that clock speeds are as meaningful as speed ...
Anything with a current Pentium 3 GHz something is loose half as fast as a new Core 2 Duo or Core synonymous, the funny-funny-only a half or hath two thirds of the clock rate.
People buy yourselves right computer! Coordinated system of well-known manufacturers. Since you have warranty, a fully developed system with cooling and sometimes design. In the best case, one still has operating system, hardware and editing software from a home ...;))
Yes, I know own machine is much hornier. You're all right, and engineers can completely mad hardware together with the screws. You can certainly just as good as the maker of heat and airflow in your PC and charge to build even more softly Lechner. In case of warranty must be synonymous to fill out any warranty card.
This has nothing to do only with professional work. DVCPROHD on nem Frickelrechner, bred with 3.8 GHz ... for me that is horror!
Antwort von Nightfly!:

... Yes, I know own machine is much hornier. You're all right, and engineers can completely mad hardware together with the screws. You can certainly just as good as the maker of heat and airflow in your PC and charge to build even more softly Lechner. In case of warranty must be synonymous to fill out any warranty card.
This has nothing to do only with professional work. DVCPROHD on nem Frickelrechner, bred with 3.8 GHz ... for me that is horror! UPS somewhere I have overlooked this and the SIGN ADVERTISING RATES for PowerMac ;-))
Antwort von Axel:

In my own circle of colleagues all the (movie fans) is represented everything: The poor young family man multiple cuts DV on a calculator that ran Seinerzeit with Windows 98 and was mercilessly upgraded since then. The work (with some Pinnacle stuff) on the old flickering 15 "monitor must be the purest Zermürbungsfolter.
One of his colleagues to produce professional-quality DVDs concert tours that will be obtained with four cameras and mixed by Mehrkameraschnitt in Premiere Pro. The gain of the secondary activity goes into a monthly technical extension of a few hundred euros, the editing room would be noticed on the bridge of a submarine is not next. I have had to cut him several times with Final Cut Pro, and although he always amazed at how easy it all works, he says again and again, Apple is
not even
true professional. I do not would disseminate for Apple, but I think he confuses complexity with diversity option.
Two other colleagues have Macs, one of them still in parallel with Windows.
I find it interesting that we are all designed differently gifted, but that the final products of different technical standards are not sufficient. Comparison of synonymous shows that one (for a comparable work comfort the PCs can reach anything) for a Mac solution has to invest less.
Antwort von Nightfly!:

To fill the Mac-versus-INTEL Windows discussion is not unnecessarily again this thread synonymous (if you maybe you are right):
No interest s.Macs!
Greeting detlef
Antwort von PowerMac:
he says again and again, Apple is not even true professional Oh dear ... Ask him to movies and Premiere Pro. Talking to him in the color correction! The super Workflow for DVCPRO HD, for example, XDCAM HD, so not everything works. I know many editors to keep the Final Cut for the best. "Some" old AVID Bunnies fortiori. To create all the Prodfirmen that make make the whole RTL/Sat1/Pro7 Kack ... soap operas, telenovelas, magazine contributions, such as explosives, etc. Similarly, the cutter, the great ARD and Arte-documentaries. Just about Final Cut is extremely widespread and well. Competent, fresh and synonymous many young people. And there's some, the concert movies marketed directly by DVD and tells of PP2? hoho!
By the way across my speech: Final Cut Studio, Shake, Quad, XserveRAID, some listening and nen HD monitor for 10,000 ...
The synonymous crack the whole of Avid's price / performance. With Adobe stuff because it comes too close. Since many external extensions must be purchased, for example, DVC PRO HD and Dolby Digital support, Windows support tool. Horrible! Dear one of Manufacturer and thought out.
The war is on!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
To fill the Mac-versus-INTEL Windows discussion is not unnecessarily again this thread synonymous (if you maybe you are right):
No interest s.Macs!
Greeting detlef But it almost seems that he has written still in ignorance of the fact that the new Macs run on Windows synonymous. Therefore, a reference is entirely appropriate that, before he spends a lot of money for a new calculator.
Gruß Bernd E.