Frage von JANP:
I want to buy me a little more experimental for Camcor
or holiday movies. My question: Sony, Panasonic or Canon?
I want to move in a price range of about 400 ¬.
Sony DSR-35 of HC (800,000 pixels) is quite nice, because I can focus + Exposure
synonymous manual control. But how do you think?
Have you perhaps a better experience with other brands.
Sonyist but always looks good.
Gruß Jan
Antwort von Jan:

Jan (what a divine name) without going to sing praises, for almost 400 ¬ (450 ¬) is only one buy recommendation - Panasonic GS 180 - if Sony touch-screen lovers, Black & White - Sepia Sofortaufnehmer, MPEG movies on memory card, etc then Spezielnachtprogramm SonyHC 39/42/44/46 - Otherwise nothing for me ...
The flyers for about 450 ¬ with very few weaknesses, full manual control, 3 CCD, micro-free entrance, Headphones, Charger supplied etc etc.
Antwort von JANP:

Mir gehts so that I am at the Sonydie Brightness and Focus
Set to manual. I want to turn any Hollywood movie.
Good, who has no 3ccd but I could never synonymous in the post production to make (color, contrast, etc)
Empire because the Sonyhc why hc-35 hc-39 or-46. As big
The differences are not synonymous.
Antwort von JANP:

How is the Panasonic GS-17?
And manual controls?
Antwort von Acer:

What do with the Sonykannst, you can with the Panasonic all.
All Manual with the HC35 can you make synonymous with the GS180 (Aperture, shutter, etc.)
Or, Jan? (Professional-Jan)
Antwort von wolfgang:

Well, is almost a tradition that Panasonic has more and better controls. That Sony usually has the better automatics. Perhaps this reference is still useful - there are people who want so much I can change (for example), and people who prefer good automatics.
The color gamut of a 3-chip can be hinzumischen in postpro not really.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes Manual Focus / Manual white balance can all.
Sonyhat up to the VX 2100 / FX 1 only + / - Aperture - no precise aperture values (Canon only s.MVX 4i / 45i), manual gain only Panasonic - My All (Sonynach know until s.VX 2100 and FX 1)! Accurate Aperture eg 1.8 or 11 All Panasonic's!, manual shutter speed - All JVC, Canon and Panasonic MiniDV, Sonyerst s.HC 1 / VX 2100th
Gs 17? Take successor to GS 27 - she has been with the lowlight and better stability and has a sensational 51 ° wide angle - since no one else gets out in the Unterpreisconsumerklasse only semi Pana DVX 100 was with 58 ° (warns, I think) even more sensational and without the converter .
Antwort von Acer:

But picture quality is going on WW, and therefore, for you would be more of a GS180 in question, how does it?
Antwort von wolfgang:

Jan, what are now small in Panasonic's image stabilization? That was earlier times a weakness of this otherwise very good beginner instruments.
Antwort von Acer:
Jan, what are now small in Panasonic's image stabilization? That was earlier times a weakness of this otherwise very good beginner instruments. I want my füheln not mentioned, but instead of Jan Just answer me, sorry;.)
The Panasonic's (the kids) are now almost equivalent SonyDCR-HC17. Maybe even the HC35. A very small tick is Sonyaber better.
If one imagines the stabilizers 5 years ago ...
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, I just want to say to me speaks for SonyHc 23.24 or 35 only
- The better night function
- For models without remote control to see the possibility of the film in slow motion too, and as I said without the remote control s.HC 23 already. Or has the possibility of equal zb W / Sepia record or memory card to record small movies that no Panasonic Consumer.
Perhaps even the S-video Cable VMC 15 can later purchased with FS, GS 27 / 37 have not halt S-video connection.
But otherwise Pana is available for me.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, Wolfgang, Panasonic hatt significantly improved - really.
Compare Low Budget Altmodell with GS 17 GS 27 in the telephoto range, just at Low Light Pana is better, but after dark films are still not possible ....
Antwort von JANP:

thanks for all the tips.
you think that? @ - @ 10 @ 21 @ 120@@@@NV GS180EG-S @ Mini DV | Camcorders @ & N & upper = old-fashioned = & prop =
Gruß Jan
Antwort von wolfgang:

I'm actually in the longer run time and become more a fan of Panasonic - precisely because of the improved controls. And my NV-MX350 was certainly a very good device. So even if the image stabilization has been synonymous improved, would be for me the choice quite clear.
Just a pity that Panasonic has no HDV devices.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes Sony / Canon still has the better stabilizer - the gap is diminished.
Panasonic GS 180 EC Exactly.
Antwort von JANP:

This is indeed great.
How are things with the GS35 model?
or then but the GS180
Antwort von jabone:

180th GS Since you can not go wrong.
Antwort von Acer:

Or wait, as I usually say it:
The GS280
Antwort von wolfgang:

So if the money allows, then the small 3chip of Panasonic could make even more sense than a single chip. Even when the full magnificence of the 3 chips will hold only when played out sunlight.
Antwort von Acer:

Schaut mal, as it may be that t-online, the
Panasonic NV-GS280
I am to become aufmerkasam because
Antwort von Nightfly!:

GS-180 in your hand. When not well with you then there is a Sony automatics.
Antwort von JANP:

ok people I've been thinking about it. But I have to go still synonymous in the holidays and do not want all the money to spend on a camera.
Which camera around 300 ¬ so you can take of Panasonic?
GS 17/20/21/27??
It should have DVin + out. Manual and natural settings.
Gruß Jan
Antwort von JANP:

it's me again.
or then but the HC23 of sony. Who makes more beautiful with 800,000 pixels
images Sonyoder Panasonic ???????
Gruß Jan
Antwort von JANP:

And the Canon MV930?
Gruß jan
Are now just four pieces
Canon MV930
Panasonic GS/17/20/21 or 27
So what ????????????????????????
Antwort von Acer:

Antwort von JANP:

why? makes the best picture?
Antwort von Dunni:
Look how it is possible that t-online, the Panasonic NV-GS280 sold at different prices, even though all the "EC-S are"? That's just a price comparison because the T-Online offers. Simply drop in the price and the magenta-button "to shop". There are vendors of what it is.
Antwort von JANP:

The model that I would buy it would cost 250 ¬. Do you think that?
I would buy myself. Or has someone else with one last tip
of other camcorders. @ - @ 10 @ 21 @ 120@@@@GS27EG-NV-S @ Mini-DV | @ & Camcorders outmoded = N & upper = & prop =
Antwort von steveb:

But .... do not be angry, take a 180er! As schonmal thread in the beginning of jan recommended ... (who knows what he's talking jan).
Antwort von Acer:

Yes, but he wants to spend only 300 ¬. For example, a camcorder is an "all-few-weeks-buy", ne?;.)
Antwort von JANP:

This is really me, but too expensive.
Should I take but in any case, Panasonic? GS35EG The NV-S
is perhaps synonymous in there yet. Mir gehts really good for a Picture.
The entrance is so synonymous nen Micro.
Antwort von Acer:

No, let put the GS35 times. Terrible image stabilizer, moderate image quality (synonymous with TL !!!), Sound (ne, even a deaf man would howl), so that would be a bad investment. I say yet, that one stop to buy every week a new camcorder. Twice a cheap and bad, even expensive and equally good.
Look, if your 300 ¬ camcorder is gone, you just can buy a new one. The 600-700 ¬ camcorder there are better processed and synonymous not just go skating, so ....;.)
Antwort von JANP:

what is the NV-GS35EG-S? which has more anschluüsse?
how it is with all of the resolution? Once had a
MV400i, the quality is awful. Have with 800,000 pixels
nen better picture.
As I said otherwise I would buy me the s.Dienstag. @ - @ 10 @ 21 @ 120@@@@GS27EG-NV-S @ Mini-DV | @ & Camcorders outmoded = N & upper = & prop =
Antwort von Acer:

This is the 27 not 35!
Antwort von Acer:

Man, you Kaufts you but not every day a new cam. Schaff dir eien s.and right then you are lucky and happy.
One would delight you GS180, a GS280 would encourage you and one GS500 would satisfy you.
Antwort von JANP:

how is that with the resolution. Had a canon mv400i times
The Resolutionwar catastrophic. Can I with the GS27 better
Resolutionerzielen? And with the GS27, I can all synonymous
Adjust manual or?
GS35 is the better? Can I connect a Micro yes synonymous.
Antwort von Acer:

In addition, each empfihelt a Panasonic GS180/280/300/500 in these price segments. Someone, I think Jan (slashCAM-time user-Jan) once said that the GS "n" (the first, had no idea what number) to 55 terrible.
Antwort von Acer:

GS35 is the better?
No, how many times it now?
Antwort von JANP:

I am concerned but at the price !!!!!!!! Do you know the SonyTRV-19 ?????
The synonymous has 800,000 pixels. And one years old.
The picture quality is enough for me completely. I will not shoot Hollywood film
this, we have a DSR300.
Antwort von Acer:

okay, okay, for a reasonable price would be vllt. recommend it to another CanonMVX450. Or hold any SonyDCR-HC17.
Antwort von JANP:

Now it directs me back to sony. But I once had a canon mv400i
ne had horrible resolution. Or I can calm one SonyHC23
have the same quality buy a Pana GS27 has. more I do not know. Not that I was angry afterward because I too many details on the net
get the one no longer knows what is right and what is not.
Antwort von Acer:

Yes, it'll take the HC23, which is quite nice, but not as intoxicating for me.
Antwort von JANP:

So is the price for this very real chained player class Sonyist therefore better than pana GS27 or GS17, or not?
Antwort von Acer:

A tip: You should already know what you show and wilster synonymous something proactive. A dealer is designed with you in the vicinity, and since you can test your camcorder synonymous. And if you always ask to see a la ...
"Is better than a camcorder camcorder B? C camcorder and make better images than a camcorder, but is not as good as your camcorder B?"
... we can not help you, we synonymous, as you expect us to be clairvoyant of you and if we give you a recommendation you come back with another camcorder.
Man, be strong and you decide. s.Leben is much too short to spend hours to fetch a camcorder recommendation. Money rules the world, but it is ONLY made by man.
Do you understand my concerns? Do not take it personally, I've now let out again. Pressure equalization has taken place :-)
Antwort von JANP:
That's what I mean is there is synonymous 800,000 pixels as the old
sony trv-19 Only the Picture of the Canon was horrible.
The 1 years old TRV-19 is synonymous 800,000 pixels and did a good image.
Antwort von Acer:
Camcorders-ComparisonUnd ohne mir selbst auf die Schulter zu klopfen
Instructions for the purchase of a camcorder ... of course for beginners, and the purchasing tool for seeking camcorder
Antwort von steveb:

mach mal one here is a window on ... cough ... but a real ... not a window ....
Antwort von Acer:

Otherwise, we notice two afterwards an apple on his head, pull out of sheer trees.