Frage von Wo:
If I let's say 2h. Film on the hard drive had. are about 25 GB. If I have the film finished cut, I want to burn it to DVD.
Is that only in the MPEG, or there's alternatives.
Greeting Where
Antwort von Markus:

First you'd have to specify what kind of DVD you want to create. Should there a
Would you like the movie burn
to a "computer DVD" (= DVD-ROM), then you can choose any compression format that the video file zusammenquetscht strong enough so that they more to 4.7 or 8.5 GB ( after burner and blank DVD will take) place.
Antwort von Wo:

Hello Mark
I have nerve for days and give no rest.
At first I was interested in how one V8 and Hi8 gets the most optimal way to the Pc. (The Canopus ADVC 300 is probably the best I've been told)
S8 much money for my cine to DV tape and I dub DVD lassen.Noch times I did not create so much.
When I have finished my film I have to cut him even now to MPEG format Umwandeln.Wie is because the quality?
Especially when I put a LCD Television times increase.
Antwort von Markus:

to the story with the ADVC-300 I have an alternative proposal: a Digital8 camcorder with Video8-/Hi8-Playback. Learn More:
Hi8 to PC capture (and Link there). Of course, only so long as you have not purchased the ADVC-300th
The quality of the MPEG2 compression usof depends on the quality of the used encoder. Will you take a simple encoder, the MPEG-2 quality vary accordingly. Again and again will be happy to recommend the Canopus Procoder, of course, synonymous has its price. Of this there is a smaller version, the Procoder Express, will not be much worse.
14 days in advance you could be free to try TMPGEnc. If you like the software you can use the MPEG-2 encoder (with costs) unlock and then use the program without time limit. The achievable quality is synonymous to be quite well.
As the quality of your DVDs will look s.zukünftigen LCD television, I can not tell fortunes. This in turn depends largely from the quality of (keywords deinterlacing and scaling) of your new TV.
Antwort von Wo:

If I've understood correctly, I want my first time buying a Digital 8 camera. I wish my camera is indeed a D. kaufen.Aber not a mini Dv better.
With the ADVC, I can not, therefore, to MPEG format wandeln.Dazu I need another part. Right?
Greeting Where
Antwort von Markus:

With MiniDV you have a larger range of models, but a real disadvantage of Digital8 not find it spontaneously. I myself have such a camcorder, still in use. Perhaps even that D8 is exclusively for amateur filmmakers, and there is no camcorder with 3CCD.
However, you could with one D8 device hit two birds with one stone, so buy a new digital camcorder, and at the same time, the analog Video8 and Hi8-play shots / digitize.
Whichever solution you decide is up to you, of course. Perhaps there are other reasons which in the case described for a MiniDV camcorder and the ADVC-talk 300?
With the ADVC, I can not therefore convert to MPEG format. For this I need another part. Right? That is correct. The ADVC-300 converts it into digital video format (MiniDV, Digital8), but this is the preferred way synonymous. Then you can give your pictures that is with virtually any video capture and editing program. The MPEG2 compression takes place only very s.end when everything is ready. This is the normal workflow.
Antwort von Wo:

Yes, what do I do now.
I really had before, my HI 8/V8 movies (140 hours) burn erstmal all cozy on DVD. Then I wanted from my shoot for the year (which are always so 4.5 hours / approximately 50 GB) to create a movie (Annual Review)) And then the film should be, after he was cut and processed to be burned to DVD (maybe 40 GB) is the utopia of a newcomer, or can you achieve this?
The alternative way you could describe it: I think dubbing film (let's say, of 1988,) on the PC and then edit it (this takes determines ne time) and then burn it to DVD.Das I should be with the other shooting exactly the same way. Then I'm in a few years dran.Mir is synonymous about our introductory offer sichern.Die my movies are already 20 years of age. Greeting
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Assuming that a DVD Singel layer about 4.7 GB and 8.5 GB double layer DVD provides maximum space, then you'd have been pretty heavily compressed to fit 40 GB AVI video files here. What is left of the picture quality will remain .... test would provide.
Antwort von Markus:

What I have so far not yet been received, is the durability of burned DVDs. 20 years will not keep the wheels very likely may not even 5 years.
However, there are synonymous blank DVDs, which have passed the tests for archival media, and theoretically store up to 30 years can: DVD-RAM. But you only need the right burner or DVD recorder.
Learn More:
Durability DVD ± R or DVD-RAM (local links)
Antwort von mdb:
I really had before, my HI 8/V8 movies (140 hours) burn erstmal all cozy on DVD. Then I wanted from my shoot for the year (which are always so 4.5 hours / approximately 50 GB) to create a movie (Annual Review)) And then the film should be, after he was cut and processed to be burned to DVD Bad idea. Either you need vast amounts s.DVDs or you have to convert highly lossy and get Ürobleme during subsequent processing. You could save the avis erstmal to external hard disks to edit it later
Antwort von Wo:

At 140 hours, that would be about 1680 GB Avi film. What does the feast of fun on external disk? So now am totally confused. Help .... what to do
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Let's set for a:
1. 120 GB disk in about 80 ¬, then you're here with 14 plates. Represents around 1,120 ¬.
2. 250 GB disk for about 120 ¬, then you're here with 7 plates. Power around 840 ¬.
3. 300 GB disk for about 150 ¬, then you're here with 6 plates. Power around 900 ¬.
Although I would probably take more than a few huge number of smaller plates. If you are a 300 GB final abschmiert, then stop, like so much s.Daten right away. The post 3 gleichtzeitig x 120 GB disks the spirit, it is rather unlikely.
Antwort von wernergabriel:

So taken together, I say: I buy the Canopus ADVC300 (or SonyTRV 480.Muß have anyway Dv Camera) and cover my HI8/V8 on PC. Cut the film only grob.Anschließend dub I have the AVI movie to external hard drive and therefore the best solution in terms of durability.
Later I can then access my darling from the material and create movies right?
Antwort von Markus:

Now the confusion is perfect because I still falls just a way of doing this. ;-)
If it were you in the short term comes to save the analog recordings to a digital medium, and this may be archived, then maybe the traditional MiniDV tape a cheap alternative. Here are just recording the hour will cost about ¬ 2.50 (ie ¬ 0.19 per GB only), depending on the Manufacturer and strip material. Shortly summed: ¬ 2.50 x 140 = 350 ¬.
If you are an analog camcorder or recorder for playback of old tapes you can use (and the quality is okay), you would need either an A / D converter and a digital camcorder with DV input, or you decide to jump on a Mini DV device with digital
and analog inputs, so eliminated the A / D converter.
Antwort von Sheridan78:

On tape, I did not arche fours.
What would you do?
Antwort von Markus:

My original images are all on tape, which would otherwise be way too many hard disks. The latter, I'll just have to archive of videos and cut back up the MPEG2 - and DVD project data.
Now you've got the choice, but the decision ultimately lies with you on what you put special value? What are the pros and cons to speak for one or another archiving method?
Antwort von Wo:

I wanted the best quality.I wichtigste.Und I probably only get if I external hard drive I have the speichere.So verstanden.Also not compromise, so far.
One more question, if I use the TRV 480: Do I have to add the new movies and then uploading via Firew, or go through the films of the TRV480 only.
Antwort von Markus:

DV-AVI = = MiniDV Digital8
The data are in all three cases the same, only the ones and zeros in the one case to be hard drive and stored in the other case, on digital videotape.
A manual (not only) the TRV480 you can find on In it, the functions are described in detail. (By heart I know it) does not synonymous. ;-)
Antwort von mdb:
Then I record the AVI movie to external hard drive and thus has the best solution in terms of durability. Later I can then access my darling from the material and create Movies Something like that. There may be more durable than hard disks methods, but it will be expensive or impractical (MO, DVD-RAM).
We plan in the context of digitization of archival material at our studio, take as synonymous with hard disks. Professional disc is much more expensive (23 GB for 35 euros) and IMX tape requires correspondingly expensive players. In addition, the access is on tape too slow.