Infoseite // What is the JVC GZ-MG530?

Frage von realx:


What is the JVC MG530?

Suitable for Sport-/Pferdeaufnahmen synonymous with light or moderate daylight indoors and moderately lit indoor riding arena?
(Lowlightverhalten, so candlelight videos I do not.)

Is it an alternative to Panasonic NV-GS330 miniDV, if it is NOT correct Lowlightaufnahmen going?

Thank you!

(Hope I get at least here synonymous Response times ne ...)


Antwort von domain:

The problem is that hardly anyone owns both cameras simultaneously, to give you a subjective answer them.
There is only one solution: technical data and image / Lux Internet search out and build one's own opinion.


Antwort von realx:

Well, on the technical data I do not much. At the GZ-MG530, there are even two tests, but I will somehow, that as more and still only be evaluated. It also never really dei properties BETWEEN daylight and Lowlight Registry .... Jo, and buying votes in and co. synonymous not give a lot of her ... Even the Panasonic SD9 is often rated supertoll and then totally bad. Was hoping that I am here in the forum to meet more experienced users, which is a realistic opinion can ...

Good would be if someone at times resulting in the GZ-MG530 could say ...


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