Frage von gman83:
Antwort von Phyro-Mane:

The thing is this: Is the recording s.sich already shit, because incorrect settings of the camera (under-or overexposure), improper handling (blurred) or just a poor camcorder with recording quality, you can nurnoch correct a little.
A poor intake synonymous makes the best software is no jewel more. So simple is this
The capture tools and functions of all the Programs do not have much.
You simply take the data that are on the camcorder and read them.
Adobe Premiere is already a very good and powerful software, but requires a little learning curve.
But this is the case with virtually all video editing tools. The matter is complex and can be simplified only to a certain extent.
For Beginners of matter, for example, Magix Video deLuxe recommended.
The program is not very expensive, has many useful features and wizards that can decrease the work, and with increasing knowledge of program can get really synonymous much himself from the shooting.
But without a learning curve for a few days (usually wealthy) deals with any program. Otherwise, I would like you to the heart basket, once you read the instructions and guides here in the forum and on the page, because such issues are often discussed in detail.
Good example of this Guide as Introduction to the digital DV editing:
LinkAuch diese Page ist nicht besonders hübsch anzusehen, aber hat viele Grundlegende Fakten zusammengefasst:
Link Good luck!
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Ok That means that my camcorder Sch ..... ist.Ok thank me once then I'll just machen.Danke s.The work!
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Look here!