Frage von himalayafan:
Is there someone of my video editing software from my own experience may be recommended.
The time of playing with Movie Maker is gone and I wish me a software
A. can capture synonymous with USB cable
B. what video material is not even handling is cumbersome
C. what you can create AVI files
D. and finally bringing synonymous create data DVDs
E. desire this software should I download can relate
I was around in the forum by the number of problems which arise when a software that gives me sometimes a hint where I should be careful during the purchase.
Gruss Himalayafan
Antwort von opel:

Video editing software, there are some s.Markt yes.
Because the handling and the handling so synonymous joy and frustration do not raise, I would first test versions a few times to download and try.
When the desired software via download on the calculator and is perhaps synonymous paid, one has only to download and no CD's or DVD's, with the software to restore in case something wrong on the calculator, can be replayed if necessary. (Worm, virus, etc.)
In addition, I recommend the software is not on the Internet calculator to run, because here, caution is required due to the performance.
Antwort von JMS Productions:
... according to the number of problems which arise when a software that gives me sometimes a hint where I should be careful during the purchase ... And the would?
I can give you pure conscience, Magix Video Deluxe heartily. That was my entry-level software and is just right for beginners. The program interface is clear and structured and it is easy to navigate. The latest version is currently "Video Deluxe 15 Plus" as a download purchase for 89,99 ¬. Magix has its versions in the course of time more and more enhanced and improved, so Magix now even some of the semi-(semi) cut Softwares counts.
... I wish me a software
A. can capture synonymous with USB cable Am not sure whether MAGIX Video Deluxe supports the capture via USB cable, but is generally not recommended and is usually only of special software, which is usually enclosed with the camcorder.
B. what video material is not even handling is cumbersome The workflow of Magix find anything as cumbersome, but gives me fun and you can (if you will), super results.
C. what you can create AVI files It supports any editing software, Magix therefore synonymous.
D. and finally bringing synonymous create data DVDs Magix has an integrated DVD department where you static but synonymous animated DVD menus and logically can create your entire DVD movie to capture it.
E. desire this software should I download can relate Even this is possible at Magix. Look at over there you'll find everything you need.
ADDENDUM: I have just the contribution of "Opel" Viewed:
Because the handling and the handling so synonymous joy and frustration do not raise, I would first test versions a few times to download and try. Exactly! I wanted to recommend you synonymous. At synonymous find the trial version for download.
Antwort von himalayafan:

Thank you for the hints.
Hello Opel,
with what software are you working and you're happy with it?
Gruss Himalayafan.
Antwort von heffermann0:

For example, I am with Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate very satisfied.
Synonymous, there is a trial version.
Antwort von opel:

Hello, I have been working for years with Pinnacle, currently version 10.6, with which I am very satisfied because the results are always optimal.
Antwort von himalayafan:

Hi JMS Productions
I have Magix 15 as trial version for download, has incidentally
with my 3rd World via mobile connection, 7 hours.
The connection with the High Speed USB Cam did not work (I have guessed otherwise you are very well informed, but this fact did not know)
What is odd is that I have with Movie Maker and Nero Vision software with High Speed USB had no problems recording, synonymous terms of quality of the films are concerned.
Your recommended software, as far as I see it, exclusively a DV cable and I do not currently have available.
Is there a solution?
Gruss Himalayafan
Antwort von Markus73:
Your recommended software, as far as I see it, exclusively a DV cable and I do not currently have available.
Is there a solution? The films with Movie Maker via USB transfer, so if the work, and then into Magix edit VdL.
Antwort von himalayafan:

Class notice, Markus!
Have just tried your tip Other .. the foreign egg was accepted.
Now do I check whether it is handling is synonymous.
Times I have a general praise s.dieses forum ... get rid of without your cooperation, I would have a long the thing was missed.
Thanks and Greetings to Germany
Antwort von JMS Productions:

I have Magix 15 as trial version for download, has incidentally
with my 3rd World via mobile connection, 7 hours. Oh my goodness you! :-O, but this will diminish your wallet ... Where the hell you put on this earth because where you via cell phone to the Internet need? :-D
For action: Mark has already described everything, do so if it all goes. Normally used for the transmission of video files of the PC Camera to a DV cable (Firewire cable). Maybe you can some day in the near time for a party then you are making a detour via the Movie Maker los ...