Frage von Isekram:
I have enough of the cheap crap on ebay.
I want to get good sound.
Who has a tip for cheaper goods?
Antwort von MK:

Show you have a look at transport packaging to Norisbank (
The house brand of quality which is very useful, but you can get free samples of synonymous other products sent to you.
Antwort von Isekram:

Those things are certainly high.
Unfortunately, a bit too expensive.
The ebay stuff so it cost 20 Euro / 100 pcs
Since I do not want equal to 50 Euro / 100 pcs change.
Who knows a good hull for about 30-35 Euro / 100 pcs?
Antwort von joerg:

Look at Conrad, Saturn, Media Markt, ProMarkt and other electronics markets over.
Antwort von MK:

The Norisbank boxes for a DVD but cost 35 cents per 100 pieces? Must not like the expensive Amarays take;)
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Look at Conrad, Saturn, Media Markt, ProMarkt and other electronics markets over. There, I have not a single manière DVD Box discover. Neither the Hama-Dinger nor MediaMarkt house brand nor the other good stuff. Most are released (on the DVD inside is attached) hakelig so that you are either the Fingelnägel lost or the disc shatters.
I've been using for years only the Amarays, it's synonymous with Ebay fairly cheap.
Antwort von MK:
Neither the Hama-Dinger Hama packs so synonymous only Billigkram in a more or less appealing packaging and then sells to many of the EK-price;)
Antwort von Isekram:

The lock should be on the "Push Button" ensured.
I think I will but look at the search for the Amarays go.
What is a good price for it?
Antwort von AndyZZ:
I find this price okay.
Antwort von MK:
I find this price okay. These are the Amarays where the grip by a footbridge are useless, quite corrosive in handling.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

With the push button in the middle of the poppen nonetheless quite high, so that they can grasp. Did not know that it Amaray as synonymous differences ....
Antwort von MK:
With the push button in the middle of the poppen nonetheless quite high, so that they can grasp. Did not know that it Amaray as synonymous differences .... If you think that, unfortunately, are still difficult to grasp because they rausgepoppt exactly on the Height of an edge of the grips are synonymous, I ask myself why there are such and such, with the grip but could even save material.