Frage von dieter.adler:
Hello Video Fans
I'm currently on the Web (vsin a large auction house) on the hunt for a cheap used DV Converter and prefer the following into consideration:
- Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge
- Canopus ADVC-55
- Datavideo DAC 100
What I drive s.Besten? Give and take that much?
I just need A-> D, for D-> A I have a DV Cam with DV - In.
If times a converter in the house, I have an S-VHS recorders integrated with TBC / DNR to provide ...
Antwort von hansreinhard:

The CANOPUS is basically ok! the video device data well are synonymous, but not all synonymous s.Mac function. Dazzle the bottom rail is persuasive, I would not buy ...
The problem with the inexpensive DV converter is that when you play through of VHS / S-VHS constantly short drop-outs will have to make your cut, the program stops recording. would help only a DV converter with hardware-image stabilizer, which is both of Canopus as synonymous of video data, but does not stop for 'a couple of euros.
a software-based image enhancement to help because unfortunately not ....
gruss, hans
Antwort von dieter.adler:

Danke erstmal!
So Dazzle is nich so doll - naja would be synonymous with me rather the last election.
Yes, a TBC in between would be ideal, but probably only has the Canopus ADVC-300 with s.Bord, but the price is astronomical heights! So yes, I wanted in an S-VHS recorder to invest (eg, of JVC) with Integrated TBC and DNR (Dynamic Noise Reduction). Then would come directly from the VCR and a stabilized entrauschtes signal CVBS or Y / C out, and that was in a high-end converters, then you dont need another TBC.
Does this theory on?
Besides: I'm still annoyed that I was outside the home, as my Datavideo DAC 100 at eBay for 62 euros through the cloth went :-( |
Normal cost which is about 150 Euro!
Antwort von dieter.adler:

PS: s.Mac operation would not be so important to me - he must s.PC and on DV - work in my camcorder.
An Otherwise, there is the conversion of a stable video signal differences in image quality, ie the detail resolution?
Antwort von dieter.adler:

If you are also only a SVHS recorder care need, you should first obtain the recorder and then the converter.
Can that be that the recorder is nothing, because no reasonable offer will be.
Antwort von hansreinhard:
So yes, I wanted in an S-VHS recorder to invest (eg, of JVC) with Integrated TBC and DNR (Dynamic Noise Reduction). Then would come directly from the VCR and a stabilized entrauschtes signal CVBS or Y / C out, and that was in a high-end converters, then you dont need another TBC.
Does this theory on?
hm .... So ich hab sowas times with a panasonic sündteuren NVF-200 (I think) tried to have the synonymous NEN tbc installed. the s-video signal via a recorded video data 100 - dropouts and crashes en masse. the s-vhs synonymous material was already 10 years old.
alternative proposal: Get NEN with DVD recorder (S-) VHS playing part.
guess times that goes around for years s.ende faster ....
gruss, hans
Antwort von hannes:

> An Otherwise, there is the conversion of a stable video signal differences in image quality, ie the detail resolution?
But huge! Hence my proposal:
if there is only little material. what needs to be captured,
ADVC at a "" borrow.
If more should be, according to a ADVC100/110 look for.
I have been working for years with the ADVC100. Only in very rare cases, persistent and I had the time of TBC ED switch between them.
Molt rekords desde la Bahia de Roses
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Alex,
SVHS is fortunately not very problematic when digitizing. Much more important is next to an ordinary A / D converter synonymous quality SVHS recorder and unfortunately there is not much choice anymore. The really good equipment since the beginning of the Geizzeit extinct.
If you have a very good SVHS Recorder (synonymous without TBC / DNR) is available, you could synonymous a Canopus ADVC-300 and lend out so that the digitization. If the drive of the recorder again properly cleaned beforehand, you can, if necessary, the next still image noise reducing. This is necessary but some experience - or a service technician. ;-)
Cross-reference (except for item 3 on synonymous SVHS applicable):
Six ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer
Antwort von toffi211:

Because only one player is needed, the 22er series of JVC a solid solution (JVC BR-S 522). Apart from the former Neupreis to DM 12,000, you get the BR-S 522 (including some components board) Now for a few hundred euros hinterhergeworfen, and not just at Ebay;)
In my opinion, are VHS / S-VHS recorder ala Consumer Media Markt and Co had been built for a television signal is recorded and the recorded signal is more or less well reproduced. As a player or Edit feeder, such consumer-safe alternatives only conditionally good.
Antwort von Markus:

I usually prefer synonymous technology professional, but the digitizing of consumer-recorded SVHS tapes is a consumer recorder is often better than a professional device. I have tried several times now. Consumer recorder à la Panasonic FS200 find after a sync error, the track quickly, thus less noise and less violent fail.
Apparently synonymous expect professional equipment an appropriately professional recording.
Antwort von charles ügo:

Hello and thank you for the numerous responses,
Please understand I am not wrong - but I am not a professional studio and will not synonymous me up ;-)
I'm just a normal petrol-consumers, in such matters but always striving for the optimum.
The Canopus ADVC-100 is basically the same as the ADVC-55, used only bidirectional. D / A conversion, I do not need extra (have a DV Cam for it). Therefore, I look after the ADVC-55! The TBC has the 100 non-synonymous.
I will honestly not synonymous S-VHS digitizer, but first and foremost VHS. I have read that an S-VHS recorder to be better suited (for Y / C output). Or should I with my 75-euro MEDION cheap VHS rang da deal?
On the subject of TB: If the material synonymous with something good? If so maybe the horizontal line jitter (I mean not the interlace, but paddles in a horizontal pixel area)?
Please give me the tips coming! I reluctantly admit that by the wrong / bad Equipement valuable image forever.
Antwort von fairwins:

Random reingedroppt, had nothing of a hint as of what I need. And that is / was the 100th Datavideo DAC Have so pounds of videos (VHS and S-VHS) to MPEG / DVD transforms. Until a year ago basically happy with it.
A year ago, then external TV card Hauppauge PVR USB 2 purchased - just for television. As already in the house, trying times, such as MPEGs and DVDs so that are (with standard RCA video input and 2xAudio and s.Hauppauge directly MPEG2 hard disk recording). They are MUCH better than the DAC with 100! Sharper, less noise, less direct and Programmgeschaukel - I am a top real warrior MPEG2 file and am very satisfied.
Only that there is no reasonable MPEG2 editor for SIMPLE + Rausschneiden of precise scenes + quick and simple assembly of DVDs, is to me incomprehensible. There may, however, neither well nor Hauppauge Datavideo something, it seems to me rather s.Marketing interests of the powerful in film-and U-electronics business to lie.
I would simply what with the DVD recorder, although with much Herumgetippe on the little remote control and precision of the interfaces, but otherwise perfectly simple and goes with the computer (keyboard and mouse!) Convenient and can make more precise - on the hard disk record, very simple and modest, a little editing, benamsen and up to 4 h in good quality on a DVD burn. Pity that there is nothing simple and clever there - after the good MPEG2 files from the Hauppauge hardware and software starts with the still too small or too big laborious tailoring programs and Konvertiererei, so I most often on the cutting precision and the whole computer stuff renounce and stop the DVD / HD recorder use.
But for the first recording is the Hauppauge way much better than on the DAC100, actually I just wanted to announce here soon ...
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Maybe I have the right software for you. It is limited to MPEG-cut "specialized".
Antwort von fairwins:

Thanks thos-berlin! After my post, I like a little looking - more intensively than before - and am m2s first, then to rise Womble. Both for me as anything better than what I previously knew. Despite sympathy for lead and freeware m2s I will probably buy the Womble - as little as possible to do so come and ease of an old Cracker like me, who (in this area) on Freaks and perfectionism pass is also simply a lot more forward. While studying and Herumprobieren with m2s I have learned a lot, which is synonymous with my other "problems" helps!
Nevertheless, thanks for the tip - would have helped me a lot when it's not already happened ...
Antwort von thos-berlin:

You need not equal Womble buy. You can download the software but 30 (?) Days to try. Or were you after the few hours already so convinced?
In return I will try m2s times. MPEG-cut is not really my area. The testing of Womble was more a favor for a colleague who is filming with his cell phone and me as a department known videographers have asked for help .....
Antwort von JMitch:

Welcome back,
WOW, I'm really amazed how this contribution has developed!
Also, the MPEG2-Haupauge card:
I have of course a Pinnacle and EXACTLY WHICH yes, I would go! Of course, synonymous converts quite well, but with audio sound card (separate Quartz -> Asynchronität) and real-time encoding, I want no more rumquälen. It is my opinion the only real computer, so give the digital counterpart to analog PAL. MPEG2 for me is just a stopgap, the final format for DVDs, which I do not necessarily want to create.
So now I am looking after the said converter (Canopus video or data) and then do my first experiments with low-cost VCR.
Yet still the open question about the TBC:
Does this convey a critical effect on VHS material? It stabilizes the line through the paddles of the Rebuild sync signals?
Gruß Alex
Antwort von hannes:

> Did this to convey a critical effect on VHS material?
wenns TBC of the ED is already (;-)))
The stores between 2 images and a set if the following are bad. To delete the the
entire black shoulder and writes the new time code. Who knows what is going on there all s.unschönem stuff, there's no more TBC ago. (namely, so today may no longer be built, just like the ADVC100)
Bon dia from the Golf de Roses
Antwort von fairwins:
Besides: I'm still annoyed that I was outside the home, as my Datavideo DAC 100 at eBay for 62 euros through the cloth went :-( |
Normal cost which is about 150 Euro!
Alex For 50 euros plus postage would be me in my sale. I just do not know whether with the shipping to Europe (from Switzerland) is very easy form, or whether one is tedious and (vice versa, at least) incredibly expensive customs formalities risked. And what money transfer to Switzerland costs - I'm not with PAYPAL or similar and wants to be synonymous not. Mail me s.rm - then at - if you're interested, then let's ...
Antwort von JMitch:
You need not equal Womble buy. You can download the software but 30 (?) Days to try. Or were you after the few hours already so convinced? Yes, I am. Is my thinking much more logical structure than Magix, Ulead and what else I've tried it - far too many options for my purposes, but at least the ones I want, and without directly dive into anything usable. I'd still have one or the other proposal for improving "my ideal", but it comes very close to him after all.
M2s I would probably use if I would be a lot of time into getting to know me and make my own "shell" around it to build to invest. I like it when the "actual events" still feel - almost like assembler program earlier, lol! But here I would simply be a consumer, and as I much better with Womble, is the decision clear. (Only stupid that again a foreign reference is - or let's see if the's with the Swiss VAT will not be as accurate ...)
Antwort von JMitch:

... the old thread once again pulled up!
Hi folks,
so now it's so far, I have a
Datavideo DAC-100 on eBay used for around 90 euros only anden. Should probably next week ...
Now is my question for a suitable player. It should
in any case, an S-VHS's. I have read, the newer second-hand Panasonic aims of the best. A TBC and DNR s.Bord he should have! I want the box but not just as a player use, but synonymous additions to S-VHS (ET synonymous?) Make.
I'm waiting for your recommendations! * Thx! *
Antwort von thos-berlin:

I personally had good experiences with the old Panasonics NV-HS1000 and 950 made. They are, however, no longer built and used when you can buy happiness or unlucky ....
Antwort von JMitch:
I personally had good experiences with the old Panasonics NV-HS1000 and 950 made. They are, however, no longer built and used when you can buy happiness or unlucky .... Thank you! I will look around! But my principle is the appearance of the recorder completely no preference when 1a technology drinsteckt, but these boxes are all pretty old. Are there any modern, or are the poor?
And something else:
What are the promises of the manufacturer, such as:
- Best image editing
- CVC-image enhancement
- Comb
- ...
Antwort von JMitch:

Na? ....
Antwort von thos-berlin:
Na? .... 15 hours without a reply --
A bit impatient, how?
Basically, I am the appearance of the recorder completely no preference when 1a technology drinsteckt, but these boxes are all pretty old I had only my experiences reported. A much newer machine, I did not, because my synonymous after 10 years (NV-HS1000) still work fine. I know of a video production synonymous, which still document for recording the aforementioned recorder uses.
promises mean the Manufacturer, such as:
- Best image editing
- CVC-image enhancement
- Comb As for the "Keywords" is concerned: All electronic Quallitätsverbesserer.
One thing we must all älteten devices do not forget: That it not only through the use of wear (eg drum head), but is synonymous with time. The plasticizers in the plastic parts entschwinden and the material is porous. It can thus be synonymous times cracks in gears come. But in the last 10 years is to me for three recorders only happens once. I think this is a good value. I do not know whether current cheap recorder on hold for so long ;-)