Frage von uvasonar:
I would my Full-HD AVCHD recordings like batchmäßig in an efficient, semi-lossy "I-frame format conversions (MJPEG) to synonymous with my" old "2 Ghz Pentium M laptop (2 GB Ram / WinXP ) schnittmäßig still be able to pull something.
s.Welches format you can recommend?
b) Which encoder would take her for?
c) What the PC-editing program (max. 1000 Euro) so I would be in Full-HD yet reasonably satisfactory to work - without the need to continuously render?
Thank you for your - hopefully numerous and competent - Answers!
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I would my Full-HD AVCHD recordings like batchmäßig in an efficient, semi-lossy "I-frame format conversions (MJPEG) to synonymous with my" old "2 Ghz Pentium M laptop (2 GB Ram / WinXP ) schnittmäßig still be able to pull something. I think that is because even with the Undemanding HDV (vulgo: MPEG-2) nothing to tear ... If you want to try it and your AVCHD-enabled software that old video-for-Windows-Codecs supported:
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

@ uvasonar,
I offer you
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Uvasonar
Which Intermediate Format for Full-HD is efficient (PC)? None
Antwort von uvasonar:

Thank you s.Bruno and Quadruplex,
With VirtualDub, I am already fairly by you, the scripts, tools, etc. from looking Manageable. As far as I have the right savvy, would be my PIC Video MJPEG codec, with which the SD can be cut like butter, not a good intermediate format because of the additional noise, which is the final BlueRay Compression for difficult / bad makes correct?
So rather Huffyuv. Any tip, which is good editing program so clearly comes. Vegas Pro 8 would be a good idea?
Thank you for a short tip on this further.
Antwort von Marco:

In Vegas Pro 8, Cineform (included in the program requires for optimum quality, but an update), HQ or Canopus Newtek HQ HD Intermediates good - when the data rate may be high - Sony YUV (uncompressed YUV).
Antwort von Quadruplex:
With VirtualDub, I am already somewhat by you; That would in any case with HuffYUV clear.
Any tip, which is good editing program so clearly comes. Vegas Pro 8 would be a good idea? I know the program, unfortunately not. If it is video-for-Windows codec detect, it should funzen. If you did it, but just installed HuffYUV and look, whether you like the codec in Vegas is offered.