Frage von magfak:
Need for direct recording to hard drive be put in a tape in the camcorder?
Or can I connect the camcorder without a MiniDV tape via Firewire s.den PC and directly with a capture program (Sclive, DV I / O, add WinDV etc.) on the hard drive?
Can I also still using the AV-out (s.Television connected to directly control) the quality of the recording to assess (sharpness, etc.)?
Antwort von oliver II:

No clue! But through trial and error may actually not go broke, right?
Antwort von steveb:

absorption band with no pickles? is not to my knowledge ....
Antwort von farnelli:

Synonymous own a GS280 and have been recorded directly to tape without the pickled hard drive. As a program I have used or Sclive WinDV.
Easy Camera Review mode and press for the inclusion in the program to capture.
Antwort von steveb:

well learned to wissen.wieder something :-)