Frage von phenomdesire:
I wanted to edit a film so original dvd movie (Savior)
wanted it by video deluxe later edit or cut the Scenes, etc.
dan in xvid and edit the clip in youtube and upload
However, I wanted to know
what setting you should make xvid
or in configured with xvid (so you do not wonder how it looks in youtube)
've set some things back then but do not know hm .. I'm not sure
Therefore I ask times
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

"I wanted a copyrighted work copy, edit and publish it on YouTube."
that what you did here just wondered?
Antwort von sh20:

just what you should adjust xvid Configure
for other projects in future! for a good quali!
Antwort von sh20:

Neeee THE thou hast said:
I wanted to edit a film so original dvd movie (Savior)
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Times we simply want to assume that you've clumsily expressed ...
But what do you want for XivD with YouTube? To my knowledge, there is the Flash format.
Antwort von sh20:

I've seen some clips holding the ne gute quali had mostly pixel-free as the thought should go (because it's in flash convert, etc.)
But generally, even if I had nothing to do with youtube wants
I would simply not configured to know about the xvid maybe her well in practice is (or should be always set of the film come from?)
as I said just wanted to ne meinung know how should be configured in film editing in general
Antwort von sh20:

There are at YouTube ne help page:
"If your video in a format other than WMV exists, you should direct it into an MPEG4 file (DivX, Xvid, SQV3) with a Resolutionvon 640 x 480 pixels and MP3 audio (64k mono) encoding."
The "ideal" settings there is not - at least I have not found it yet. It depends on the movie.
How much movement, which is the source material ...
And relating to "original DVD movie edit" you hear on the s.besten Andreas. This is not your movie, so let it - make your own movies, with which you can then do what you want.
Antwort von sh20:

ok thank trotztdem again on the advice!