Frage von marsteini:
Hello folks!
We are currently re s.einem new film project on it. More precisely, it is a youth film project. We are a group of young people (15/16) and want the book "The Curse of David Ballinger 'film adaptation of Louis Sachar. Where everything is running fine, and we work ssscript come synonymous progressing quite well ...
Only ...: Even if the project is pretty small and not particularly expensive, it cost money of course, synonymous. Therefore, there is a way somehow to find sponsors who support us?
And ...: Would not it be better somewhere, previously with the author about unclear points to talk about? But you can not simply write to the author, there are not public. Addresses, etc. (yes is synonymous understandable). Does the irhgendwie?
Would be glad if you could help us.
More info about the film and us:
Antwort von Bernd E.:
yes ... you can not simply write to the author, there are not public. Addresses, etc. .. The man stands with his home address in the phone officially, it shall take seriously, he would not ;-)
Antwort von Johannes:

Should the author does not always ask what he, as author, which holds?
Antwort von DoBBy:

Well, first question is the one to the other Verflimungslizenz. And it definitely has the issues will fail, because with an internationally known author contact is something else than just fast times at a remote call friend. You will most likely not even get through to him and if so, probably a rejection of one of his secretaries get to the 1000 Fanbriefe that he probably gets per day, for him to answer (have to) ...
I would like you not your (admittedly, but something slightly blue-eyed) rob illusion, but you surely do not believe really that it had such a book and filming finally allowed on filming
can? On your homepage can be read that its not as good as turning or movie experience you can, except perhaps a couple of short ultra-School. For some reason can the movies on your HP does not look, I can not directly assess hab but not so great expectations. And I think now is not necessarily synonymous, that it ultimately with facilities such as an Aiptek - video camera
(no film camera) or a Panasonic consumer will get far. Short: you lack the necessary experience, the necessary equipment, possibly the creativity, as well (as also from the HP and showing absolutely logical for students in your age) the necessary money and as the very first time a private sector. (Self and non-registered wannabe Firmchen á la "first name-COD-movie 'or' nick-XYZ-Productions" etc, do not count)
Sorry if all this now so hard across; course I do not completely discouraged, it is of course great if someone has found a hobby, which he gladly does. You can of course try synonymous the story of this book to "adaptation" and have your fun then this (what surely is the most important), but please do not believe that doing so little "real" will be created. Your film will be one (if comes up) under the category of "homemade fanproductions" grade and if you lucky, you might win times the local Youth Film Festival and gets a small price. A "breakthrough" (in any case, what in transferring meaning is meant by that) you will not be created.
Accordingly times prefer to forget the demands of a filming permit by the author, for "fanmade-stuff" you need no license filming.
PS: In order to appear more authentic and possibly synonymous your visibility to increase, it would be advisable times, all the spelling errors (synonymous includes punctuation marks) on your homepage to improve ...
Antwort von marsteini:

first thank for your answers. I am of course aware that we, as Dobby says, not succeed. But that is synonymous not our goal and that was me here is not synonymous. That is why I have never been synonymous about a license to think and synonymous not mentioned.
Sowas alone would not have s.der Camera fail (even though we have access to a dolly and had XL1, etc. and the support of our local TV stations have), but synonymous s.den actors.
It is as I said our first "major" project that we do outside of school. I went to question synonymous less a matter of contact with the author's record, but the financial support. Because we would Voraussichtlch to max. 100 ¬ - is not necessarily a lot nonetheless.
A movie or the like had we not synonymous, but sometime you have to start so somehow, right? So I had the interisiert. I am recently a look at another private film pushed the number of sponsors had, but grotto was poorly done.
So: Is it as a private individual sponsors to find or not?
Dobby @: Due to the shooting, may be that with the IE does not work properly, otherwise it is normal flash.
Antwort von DoBBy:

So I want to again make it clear:
My contribution is not offensive or derogatory across synonymous and not be viewed as such. There are unfortunately only too many, that such a project, how it is planning, as children play and imagine think they would be born, just because they might know of or within the family benevolent criticism for their movies got. As I have already said: The reality (unfortunately) different.
Now specifically to your project:
And ...: Would not it be better somewhere, previously with the author about unclear points to talk about? What do you want to because with the author discuss? What do you mean with "obscure places"? You come s.Loius Sachar not just ran, I think not synonymous, that he very much time and feel like with some unidentified youths on their leisure projects.
I went to question the financial support. Because we would Voraussichtlch to max. 100 ¬ - is not necessarily a lot nonetheless. Yes, ¬ 100 is not much. Now stop synonymous wonders what it would deploy 100 ¬. I assume it lends you your Austattung (XL1, Lichtaustattung, Sound, etc)? But it definitely bräuchtet more than ¬ 100.
A movie or the like had we not synonymous, but sometime you have to start so somehow, right? Since you have absolutely right. Only experience, it is not advisable, the same with "something big" to start it, but prefer something with smaller times. The movies on your HP (meanwhile, I was able to watch them, thanks to your tip with the Flash player) I am not as "the beginning". They are all
much more greater. (A voice in your computer donations film I would not have taken, it was because you ready None of the text aloud? When your David Ballinger movie do you want yes, I think, synonymous to speak the dialogues and not through a computer voice to replace. Sowas comes as not just good s.and so you will not synonymous professional)
My tip: Do you own stories / stories from that one well-staged / cinematically filmed and can implement them. Think it synonymous s.eine useful and interesting camera work, not just a hand hold top, like on your HP. Use a good tripod and you think interesting camera pans out. And let synonymous prefer to effect off (ie no rumwirbelnde annoying 3D font, 5 times purely and rausfliegt etc.). This has pretty amateurish and very close to "Look-what-time-for-great-Effects-we-can-achieve!" Good sound is just as important. Rotates with the best equipment that your budget allows (at 100 ¬ synonymous not just the truth). Then your story through attempted serious actor after playing. Should read: No Dauergrinsen during the recordings (like the guy in your film, which is s.der door angeschrien).
The film does not have long. But to start with something. If it makes it good value and professionalism to submit, then her so much next, as if their great start with something like, what you definitely would overwhelm and therefore nothing would be clever to get out.
I am recently a look at another private film pushed the number of sponsors had, but grotto was poorly done. Well, you have this movie with your date compared? Because you were (and this is not offensive to) is also "bad grotto."
So: Is it as a private individual sponsors to find or not? Of course, das Sparkasse, Volksbank, local Health Food, etc.
Dobby @: Due to the shooting, may be that with the IE does not work properly, ans
Antwort von PowerMac:
You can not steal just a book. The trouble there!
Antwort von marsteini:
So I want to again make it clear:
My contribution is not offensive or derogatory across synonymous and not be viewed as such. There are unfortunately only too many, that such a project, how it is planning, as children play and imagine think they would be born, just because they might know of or within the family benevolent criticism for their movies got. As I have already said: The reality (unfortunately) different.
That I know. We are simply trying the best to do it. After all, we have already succeeded with two of our school shooting s.Schulfest "voice". Even though I am with the movie is not very happy because it drags on too long.
Since you have absolutely right. Only experience, it is not advisable, the same with "something big" to start it, but prefer something with smaller times. The movies on your HP (meanwhile, I was able to watch them, thanks to your tip with the Flash player) I am not as "the beginning". They are all much more greater. (A voice in your computer donations film I would not have taken, it was because you ready None of the text aloud? When your David Ballinger movie do you want yes, I think, synonymous to speak the dialogues and not through a computer voice to replace. Sowas comes as not just good s.and so you will not synonymous professional)
It is true that the films are really improved. However, then cut my first attempts (VideoStudio9) and by the influence of various PC magazines, I think, the more effects, the better.
Unfortunately, the latest movies for various reasons, not on the page. These can be found virtually no effects except glare (as much else offers Final Cut Pro so synonymous not - thank God).
But there is now synonymous various films that I use for our local clubs or HP and our TV stations have done. That, however, are all just features or something, no drama ...
I went to question the financial support. Because we would Voraussichtlch to max. 100 ¬ - is not necessarily a lot nonetheless.
Yes, ¬ 100 is not much. Now stop synonymous wonders what it would deploy 100 ¬. I assume it lends you your Austattung (XL1, Lichtaustattung, Sound, etc)? But it definitely bräuchtet more than ¬ 100.
No, but we need the money do not. The XL1, we can of our school borrow (4free) Tonaustattung limited to a good Rihtmikro (of TV channels borrowed) and possibly a mixer (we Shon). About the light, we have not yet done so grpßen thoughts, but think that here Styrofoam plates, a Page with aluminum foil covered that can help further. Moreover, we could for a long trip camera dolly use (self inliners roles with cable and pipes), it works quite well.
Whether we really need 100 ¬, there is still open - I was the only interisiert whether the go.
About the author: Yes, I admit, that was an exaggeration ...
But one question I have:
How can this camera changes during a dialogue realize (using a camera)? The only thing that I would invade, the scene would be 2 times to play and each from a different perspective to filming and only a soundtrack of a recording to be used ... I see that right?
Otherwise: wait time, we will see what will obs;) and whom not, nothing is lost:)
Antwort von DoBBy:
But one question I have:
How can this camera changes during a dialogue realize (using a camera)? The only thing that I would invade, the scene would be 2 times to play and each from a different perspective to filming and only a soundtrack of a recording to be used ... I see that right?
Exactly, so to do it is usually synonymous with the right professional film shoot. There is a Camera and the scenes are always several times and rotated together with different perspectives geschnitten. You come for a few games of the scenes are not around, does not believe that her every scene perfectly for the first time how. (where it s.euch is what you as a "perfect" do). In my film, we had the shortest scene in the film s.meißten rotate (30 times) until it was gradually acceptable. Something like one of them and is perfectly normal ... When sound is what the professional movie filming done so that not the sound of the cameras used (I think that the cameras are synonymous no sound), but a separate sound system is used and the sound will be stored separately and in the Postpro synchronized to picture is mixed. For your case, you see that correctly: Take only the sound of a single recording, but otherwise there are audible Tonunterschiede depending on how badly her camera filming the second passage of the first position changed yet. But you did say it would have an external micro separate dir? Because it would be worth it anyway NOT the built-in micro camera to use, but the sound (as synonymous with the movie turning right) with your directional microphone to go fishing. Then comes the problem, with the audible Tonunterschied away anyway. The fishing is no child's play and should be of an experienced sound engineer to be carried out. Normally there is s.einem set for each area to a focused professional. Cameraman, sound engineer, lighting technician, director, mask paintings, drama, etc. .. You will probably have to do everything alone, so just exercise diligently for usable results.
That would be idealistic, but only a start, next goes with it: What will you cut? Do you have a good editing program, a powerful PC for editing enough experience, perhaps synonymous composition programs (eg After Effects) etc?
Antwort von schlaflos011:
That would be idealistic, but only a start, next goes with it: What will you cut? Do you have a good editing program, a powerful PC for editing enough experience, perhaps synonymous composition programs (eg After Effects) etc?
(as much else offers Final Cut Pro so synonymous not - thank God)
With Final Cut you are the BEST ever editing program available.
And with a MAC so no problems there. There are many, many forum posts. ;-)
Antwort von DoBBy:
(as much else offers Final Cut Pro so synonymous not - thank God)
With Final Cut you are the BEST ever editing program available.
And with a MAC so no problems there. There are many, many forum posts. ;-)
True, I did not read. FinalCut (Pro?) Is not bad!