Frage von luke skywalker:
I would like to know whether it with adobe after effets 5.5 is possible some sort of figure in my film to add? (eg a spaceship)
gank out in front
luke skywalker
Antwort von prem:

Antwort von Markus:

Declaration on the above answer. ;-)
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:

I have a question, and indeed, if I) for the gestalltung of objects (eg, spacecraft need an extra program like Blender 3D
Luke Skywalker
Thanks once again
Antwort von Lawrence:

Yes, for the design of three-dimensional objects you already need a 3D rendering program, such as NEdit Blender. How do you imagine that before then? Describe times as you mean.
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:

So even with the description of the. I can well describe the net. And naja and so halt :-)
haja I thought I can also synonymous with adobe create 3D sache un so. (you've done something like that before?)
then still ask, and although no special format in which I have created the 3D thing, then save (I know of is a funny question, but I had to stop asking)
Luke Skywalker
Antwort von luke skywalker:

yet ne frage
the quality of her. aftereffects 5.5 is still good or should I just buy whole new program s
Antwort von Stefan:

AE 5.5 is a pre-pre-version of the current AU. That maybe you can second-hand narrow price (if they have have not used all the updates). If you have to look on a budget, consider whether you really need AE.
Superimposition of video tracks (eg with Blender is produced) and masks / transparencies with many video
editing programs. This requires not necessarily a video
composing program such as AE. And a video editing program you need for the rest of the movie anyway, because cutting with AE is worse than roasting in hell.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:

Hi Stefan
erstmal thank you for your help, but you happen to know a cheap program with masks transparencies?
because I do nich ¬ 600 for adobe 6.6 or 7.0 from (the type is still an exaggeration Teut or)
luke skywalker
Antwort von Stefan:

By most video editing programs, there are demo or trial versions. Find out what that will fit into your budget and try them out. Visits synonymous times the forums and check out the manufacturer of the program are on, as the user on it, and if the support is helpful.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:

Liben many thanks stefan
you seem so real you zukennen out. Do you know perhaps synonymous en 3D user program (ie to create figures of 3D?) Or do you know ne site where i can download that tool?
Mfg. Luke Skywalker
Antwort von AndyZZ:

I already know the next question:
"Who is my spaceship in 3D tinker ..."
Antwort von Stefan:

3D I know myself, unfortunately, is not enough. If I had more time, I would dive into the corner and I
gmax tinkering aircraft's M $ flight simulator. But that must wait until next winter ;-)
Um - this witty film is calculated using uswith aircraft made:
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von luke skywalker:

Dear AndyZZ :-)
No, I already have my own 3D spaceship together gebastelt
:-( Luke skywalker
Antwort von luke skywaker:

hi stefan
Many thanks for your information internet and my 3D problem has been solved synonymous
luke skywake
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Dear AndyZZ :-)
No, I already have my own 3D spaceship together gebastelt
:-( Luke skywalker Hey Luke, was not meant to be angry.
Questions to ask your way, pointed to a right-Beginners, who takes over with a 3D project, perhaps a little. I myself synonymous Cinema4D, but with the 3D, I do not even skewer. With Premiere Pro, etc I know me well from ...
If you now a satisfactory solution for you have found, this is too good.
Antwort von luke skywalker:

andy sers
not a problem
And ok I admit I am not a Effects user, but I've already ne ahnung in sachen star wars (laserschwert effects) and others. But zero ahnung of animations and somewhere you have to educate himself further yes ""
luke skywalker