Frage von grobi_34:
Did someone of a problem given that I absolutely must still solve this weekend ;-)
So the situation is as follows:
1. Trailer created with Avid
2. Ausgepielt Trailer on DV and transported via the Camera on the other nen Calculator.
3. With iMovie, Quicktime made therefrom
4. Quicktime loaded in AU
5. processed and played back
The problem: The quicktime, due for release s.end has always either stripes (I think this has anything to do with en interlaced fields), or becomes extremely blurred (We tried to ham it all possible settings).
For eternal tinkering, we were able rausrechnen a version that was not blurred streaks - which, however, was dismembered in some way. (That has s.bestimmten place ever hung, so onward, only the sound).
Perhaps someone knows what render settings are the right ones?
Were very important (our prof makes us the hell - because the customer makes printing slow): - /
So schonmal Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Kerstin,
with regard to the fields once read the article
after the video looks blurred output from AE. Following s.The AE output is at your back an interlace video available. Whether deinterleced to be or not, depends on further deployment area. On the computer monitor to show interlaced video usually strip, unless the player software is carrying out a deinterlacing.
Learn More:
Deinterlace or not?