Frage von camworks:![](
The RIAA is currently in the network to search for videos where music is used gema-taxable persons. could therefore be costly to the filmer ... initially only for youtube, but I think the later synonymous normal videos at google video and will search other sources.
link to the message:,1518,422640,00.html
So you think well, which makes videos in her network.
Antwort von bskm:
But where to get "royalty free" music that can be integrated safely into their own videos?
Antwort von camworks:
you must integrate it into your videos, the hits, yes, you must then not only publish the movies.
you should still want to be famous with your film, then you should get gema-free music. either specially composed for the film looking for (aspiring musicians more projects in which they can show what they have on it) or canned music. this one can Google for "royalty free music.
Antwort von JanC.Beck:
Is synonymous Classic ^ ^
Antwort von camworks:
special case of classical music is one, because usually the composer is already over 70 years is dead (and thus the music is free of right), but the music is so synonymous of someone who plays (the orchestra), and whose members mostly are still alive. :-)
So synonymous and that violates their rights, if one of a music CD or watching TV in the concert included classical music with his film released.
Case s.der the gag is that one has to prove itself in case of doubt, that the music is not used illegally. gema the need to assert only that it illegally used and then you have to prove that you have the right s.dem piece. at gema-free music, this is usually done so that the composer / musician mitliefert a written piece, which is correctly stated that one has the right. the faxes you arrive at the unstimmigkeiten gema too and is good.
Antwort von Markus:
But where to get "royalty free" music that can be integrated safely into their own videos? See:
Antwort von clint:
But where to get "royalty free" music that can be integrated safely into their own videos?
Antwort von sachs:![](
There one finds a kind of pre-netlabel. Netlabels usually offer GEMA-free music from a variety of styles.
Otherwise, simply go to musicians forums. Many music software companies offer forums for their users.
For example of Steinberg or the User Forum of Ableton / index forum /
There are of course synonymous tens of small, medium, large private boards, such as
Antwort von Markus:![](
GEMA-free does not mean the same vain!
Follow my link to this post, there is exactly what you wrote. ;-)
Antwort von Screws:![](
In this connexion also the music under creative commons are subject interesting. In some cases there may not be so easy to use (even different versions of creative commons).
Another Tip of my views is simply write to the concerned musicians, explain your situation and hope that sale's decision-makers today enes good day. The partially works wonders. The Nutzungsreche for a song of the Rolling Stones so you will not tap but guaranteed, but smaller musicians sometimes very happy to help out.
Not bad is simply time itself is a bisserl fish go to, hot if you're somewhere in a speakeasy and da ne tape and plays the Mukke you find great ... not long torches and the guys are real ... many times to address happy if their music can be heard somewhere ...
If you have a budget bisserl versuchs with Publisher's ... the sounds, although usually after Verlagsmuik clearly synonymous, but you can find good pieces as synonymous ... look easy at times as Sonoton
Antwort von steveb:![](
true .... very friendly, some musicians are there ... cough .... which even offer free downloads on their websites to :-)
Antwort von Markus:![](
Another Tip of my views is simply write to the concerned musicians ...
... unless these musicians have already registered at the GEMA. Then you can give that is no longer of use. And the worst is that many of the musicians themselves do not know exactly. Therefore, it is better for you to know, and after the Gema-asked affiliation can. ;-)
Antwort von clint:![](
GEMA-free does not mean the same vain!
Follow my link to this post, there is exactly what you wrote. ;-)
omgh .... I've noticed synonymous grad. Well, twice is better than one and if anyone should be sued, he can blame at least not most slashcam push-forum:)
Antwort von steveb:![](
Another Tip of my views is simply write to the concerned musicians ...
... unless these musicians have already registered at the GEMA. Then you can give that is no longer of use. And the worst is that many of the musicians themselves do not know exactly. Therefore, it is better for you to know, and after the Gema-asked affiliation can. ;-)
True, this is often a problem. I even got out after 12 year old Gemamitgliedschaft, because there is no flexible handle.
So I had to for their own concerts, which I pay Gemagebühren after 1-2 years to just under 80% again got back ... crazy.
Synonymous There is no option except to sign some of the songs not to use it for non-commercial ggfalls to ...
Antwort von JanC.Beck:![](
Now the PRS even if I understood correctly've got a German authority. Is logged in really every tape, every artist and every African bush drummers in that authority or refers mainly to the distribution rights to GEMA and better-known German musician with major labels?
Erstmal so I must find out whether the interpreter is represented at all in the PRS, and if not, then I must ask him personally?
One more thing: A friend of me playing the violin, others play in the school band, but we stick with the former. Can I him while he plays a classical piece and start to use the sound track in my shooting?
Antwort von steveb:![](
applies in principle .... everything is immortalized on any medium, must be approved in advance of the GEMA. Even if you are burning a small tax itself, which is actually required. The GEME examine each type of performance and reproduction rights to and recovery. The violinist plays something that is not reported and GEMA-protected, you have to pay for them synonymous. In particular, when used synonymous with a kind of publication is linked. This applies to all ... for Foreign synonymous. Whether the PRS, however, all will be aware, it is doubtful ... and sometimes, you should not be more Catholic than the synonymous .... everyone knows.
However, I would be in utilization with publication (eg careful on websites).
Antwort von mkrawietz:![](
there are free downloads are not publicly available, you know nich ne side when it is free, and publicly available??
gruß video home
Antwort von mkrawietz:![](
Next question: Do you know nich ne side, where one finds out money when the music takes over in nen film?
Oh man, what is there but for Laumeier!
Antwort von steveb:![](
there are free downloads are not publicly available, you know nich ne side when it is free, and publicly available??
gruß video home
This is not true ... they are only for commercial use is not available ... if you do for your "private" things used, the proprietor has nothing against it ... and I need to know this ... because I know him Owners well :-)
So if you earn money so I want synonymous what .... if not ... then I do not synonymous. OK?
Antwort von JanC.Beck:![](
Are you really sure? oO
I burn my movies on DVD and rich it - of course - free of relatives and Bekanntenkreiß around. Was synonymous schonmal something bigger like a first class film about nen school trip which was then shown in front of 200 people there.
And the music that I've used so far as I am interested in anyone?
A next step: What if I ask 50 cents for the blank DVDs? How siehts out there?
Antwort von mkrawietz:![](
normalerweiße illegal because it is then sold, but to do something different if I had an audio track of a movie, this music is how it looks with da gema, so if music is in background and I quite accidentally into the video i net ask is this allowed?
Antwort von camworks:![](
Antwort von matte:![](
Since I got time still synonymous ne question keyword "open channels"
Gibts da special arrangement, because since we are the entries in the maxillary partially filled with Gemapflichtiger Muik of Robbie and associates, and there's so much easier than to prove an abuse of Internet videos?
Antwort von WeiZen:![](
Yes, the usually have all a Pauschalabkommen.
Since you can take whatever you want.
Antwort von Sebastian Hahn:![](
Achso, I've already surprised me synonymous, that was so easy, as I have time to show what my school in Ok-Kassel. There was everything that is synonymous s.Music inside. Now we have to offer any time before these little films, such as public channels 3sat and arte. The show indeed synonymous times s.and to so little shorts in the evening program, of students or so and most of which are synonymous not much better than what we have done. So my questions, how complicated it would be if we take care of here now or at Gema's rights and health? As I say, are properly hold many different titles of several international musicians available.
Antwort von WeiZen:![](
The above applies to all of my ÖR Channel, as far as I know, not just OK.
Antwort von chiseller:![](
I must say that excites me on this very topic. I do not want to breast-populist medium, but the whole resort is just a huge sauerei or geldmaschineri.
Next week I'm going to eastern europe and wanted to make a nice holiday while the same film, which I then uploads youtube.
I have it?
nothing, except the opinions of the user, if any at all interested in this. but unfortunately it is nothing, because I can not use my purchased songs on my video.
It goes without saying that it wants to protect his "factory" but somehow ceases to be fun, after all, I've already paid for it. is for commercial purposes, of course, the price is too low, and because I support clearly the proper but as hobby filmer I feel more or less fucked. a law-change here would be more than is necessary, otherwise the entire ending as with the football and the fifa. (great comparison, I know: p)
Antwort von Axel:![](
... I must say that excites me on this very topic. I do not want to breast-populist medium, but the whole resort is just a huge sauerei or geldmaschineri ....
An effective intellectual property protection must be comprehensive. It is not about you or me to draw money from his pocket, but to close loopholes. Sample movie pirates: The single pirated copy must at least be an offense, or the mass of illegal trade is to never prove.
... but unfortunately it is nothing, because I can not use my purchased songs on my video.
My well-meaning thoughts: Here you take the music too seriously. Let them out before you set at You2Be. Purchase yourself a balalaika, a sample plate and make merry, or mix with a lyrical tone. First, is creative (with good musical ear if need be synonymous in the editing program to do) and secondly, if the original can identify the best will in ninth over, you may as synonymous None.
To develop the Comparison with the FIFA: It can force you to appear, instead of wheat beer in Munich to drink Coke. In the meantime, however, the Selberspielen in his own court still allowed.
Antwort von steveb:![](
... but unfortunately it is nothing, because I can not use my purchased songs on my video.
dochmal look at various legal download sites over MP3 and ask the artist if you may not use their non-commercial music (for your project). I know there are many that make the ... (one of my übrigends synonymous).
Antwort von camworks:![](
I have it?
nothing, except the opinions of the user, if any at all interested in this. but unfortunately it is nothing, because I can not use my purchased songs on my video.
I think here we must make it clear what times:
you have not bought the song, you've just purchased certain use rights. this is a very large variety.
the following link you will find the German copyright act:
In paragraph 15 you will find a few important principles:
§ 15 Copyright Act - The fundamental rights of the author's exploitation rights = = the rights of use as he may delegate s.andere.
(1) The author has the exclusive right to his work in a tangible form of realizing the right includes in particular
1. the right of reproduction (§ 16),
2. the distribution right (§ 17);
3. The exhibition rights (§ 18). [/ b]
(2) The author has) also have the exclusive right to publish or publicly reproduce in immaterial form (communication to the public, the law is particularly concerned with
1. the lecture, performance and demonstration rights (§ 19)
2. the broadcasting rights (§ 20),
3. the right of reproduction by Picture or phonograms (§ 21),
4. the right of communication of broadcasts (§ 22).
(3) The reproduction of a work is public if it is destined for a plurality of persons, except that the circle of persons is defined and determined they are personally connected through mutual relationships or relationship to the organizers themselves.
The copyright law may also specify exactly who he the right to reproduce (on your hard drives, has a hard drive of a servers, watch TV on cd or otherwise) and for dissemination (radio, youtube and similar) / sell / otherwise leave.
all these use rights do you have with the purchase of a music-cd not purchased. you have just purchased the right home in the circle of the music you listen to your family and close friends. at longer gema already holds the hand on and this is just the beginning.
Antwort von Detati:![](
Axel, this is certainly aware, however, it should be possible to be able to distinguish a film pirate law of a hobby filmer. the music re-mixed with the means extra work, since I hardly know much about the area. Moreover, it is nevertheless true that one is proof of the obligation to abmahnung gema in?
steveb, for that I will need proof of the artists a written, that it is their factory right?
CAMWorks, then I really wanted out. to amend the law regarding the vorführung right. I do not see the film as a hobby artist or the music industry could be harmful, quite the contrary. the law is too vague in my eyes and a lump sum is equal punishment.
Antwort von camworks:![](
gema no warning to the right. first time is "presumed" to whom you can with the template of the copyright holder to comply with a written statement that he is not gema-member and the piece comes from his spirit and his feather. thus gema is already satisfied.
And I do not think that the law is vague. boundaries between hobby copy and piracy are fluid. by giving the buyer a cd, only the legal framework for private listening is left simply bypasses these difficulties. it is pointless to ask again a change of the Copyright Act, because it has recently been amended, and in favor of copyright.
but it is free to use the tips in this thread to use and free music of unknown composers too. these people are often even more, that someone is interested for their pieces. And those composers are thousands (!) in the network.
it must be real for a holiday film that is Whitney Houston, or another star used? regardless of the legal side, I find pieces of music without vocal accompaniment anyway for better than filmmusik exceptions (to confirm the rule).
Antwort von steveb:![](
Of this I will need a written proof to the artists that we are dealing with their factory right?
naja ... I think an email from the "composer" is already inadequate. But there should have drinstehen that he allowed it to you.
Antwort von flowStylez:![](
've Diverese stories with GEMA experienced ...
If I use music in my videos (which is biggest part is the case, P), I am looking for possible NoNames, ie those who do not GEMA "include" ... 've Already seen here a few links where you can find such an artist. I then make it easy so I just send a mail mentioning who I am, what I do and for what I want to use their music. Depending on the length of the video I send a short sample so that artists can make a Picture of that for which their music is exactly needed.
've Gotten nothing in this way only 2 cancellations of about 50 questions. Naturally, artists / tape with song name should appear in the credits. It is recommendable synonymous to get of individual artists or bands as many pieces ... This goes a little hint Most data on the homepage of the tape in the credits as satisfaction.
Yours sincerely,
PS: When I mention guy, I speak of long shoot like a 15-minute film snowboard or the like ;)
Antwort von _xter:![](
it is totally ok, that an artist's works of protective and / or cash to get. annoys me as I photograph synonymous constantly that the network fully and - apparently - with completely natural images copied umgewandet or collagen be found again. it's annoying, and therefore copyright is a big picture again.
in terms of music, so it is certainly true that one of the smooth transition to professional hobby pirate should not loosen with extensible Eigenbetriebsgesetze.
on the other side, a well-known song, a famous artist, a well-made video and it may be synonymous promote sales for music artists.
a - known to me - artist found his musicvideo with you2be again and later it was difficult to play mt * v * ... so it can go synonymous.
Antwort von StefanS:![](
On this subject I now always get the big puke.
To say that from the start: I consider myself s.The currently applicable copyright laws, and this for two reasons.
Reason number 1 is a certain insight that the work belongs to protect the inventor. Otherwise we would probably still almost medieval conditions in which the composer either penniless or were more or less serfs of the prince or the church. We now want to really.
The second reason is simply and movingly of which I am of the opinion that the artists, the music industry and the Gema with the purchase of an expensive CD to have given enough money. I do not need the billions of heavy industry, or at least tens of millions or billions are also serious artists überschweifenden their lifestyle or their millions to finance costly divorce with the help of the German courts and one Abmahnabzockers even further.
Stephen's argument, which reads as "merit you, I want to earn synonymous, you deserve nothing, I will nix synonymous" is very noble and in my opinion the only right thing, but that the law works now, unfortunately, time does not seem.
If I have installed in a video any music and this video will publish on the web, without earning anything about it, I ran to catch cheaters alike. And they get me ran synonymous theoretically, if I just copy the thing and the blank for the replacement cost would have, because it will be treated like a "sale".
In recent years, the more ridiculous and distracted. The Teman away, as is the law more and more common sense.
PS: In the hope that it again reads any of the data snooper on its trigger list for weeks and again I had an echo in the phone.
Antwort von Markus:![](
Hi Stefan,
You lead interesting and easily understandable arguments. Personally, I will confine myself to the use of unlicensed music and give for the purchase of the CDs from Money prefer something more than that I have to stress later.
Although I 100 ¬ per CD without the prospect of subsequent additional costs when using the music synonymous not really think expensive. Furthermore, the quality and diversity of the SmartSound works very well indeed. :-)
Antwort von StefanS:![](
Hi Markus,
that's what I think as synonymous. Pure self-defense, rather than conviction.
But my opinion on the law in general and the respect of the use of music in video clips, which are distributed free of charge, in particular, does not change that.
Maybe I'm some fun times. I'm looking for two or three current chart title for a project from the different groups and make an offer. Who pays s.besten will be published with all the credits. Finally, I can not for the free advertising! Let's see how they react to the inverted spear.
Antwort von Markus:![](
Let's see how they react to the inverted spear.
Very good idea! (Probably not only me) will await your detailed report! ;-)
Antwort von camworks:![](
there are news:
Gema calls of royalties for Google Youtube
Antwort von videozauber123:![](
But where to get "royalty free" music that can be integrated safely into their own videos?
This is really not that easy ... Even under CC (Creative Commons) Related Music must not simply be used for anything. One must note that a lot ..
A small batch of a declaration + overview you can find here:
Here you get CC Music: