Frage von
Together moin moin,
've already searched several forums and found that this topic is not yet a decent tutorial, so the plan was tinkering ma easy one.
Personally I use to cut, tv mainly of recordings, virtual dub. is quite easy in part that is clear and can work quickly with. export to the avi files then I'll take the xvid codec -> google, you have a ding-> freeware.
ahso yes, virtual dub so lacking synonymous, hm passes googel synonymous quite easy to find. nich provide for all this
vitual dub1.6.16achja, wir legen uns noch nen stift and nen zettel bereit...
so das hätten wir ma....
um die schwarzen balken in nem video zu entfernen gehen wir wie folgt vor.
erst ma des vid schneiden, sodass es fertig zum export is....
dann gehn wir im virtual dub -> file-> file information and schreiben uns erst mal die größe des files auf, in meinem fall wäre das 352x288
zum Bild then we go in virtual dub on video -> filters -> add /
vitual dub1.6.16achja, wir legen uns noch nen stift and nen zettel bereit...
so das hätten wir ma....
um die schwarzen balken in nem video zu entfernen gehen wir wie folgt vor.
erst ma des vid schneiden, sodass es fertig zum export is....
dann gehn wir im virtual dub -> file-> file information and schreiben uns erst mal die größe des files auf, in meinem fall wäre das 352x288
zum Bild remove ...
where we look for the filter "resize" from ...
sry must first ma another cigarette .....^^
where we take the time being, if not yet available, the current one image size.
zum Bild then cut gehts s.das beam of black or, as we have already learned cropping ..
do we click on virtual dub -> video -> filters -> cropping
zum Bild Now open the window where you can crop the black beam
zum Bild are as long as we click on the Y1 and Y2 offset offset around covered up the black with the gray beams completely
then we will take a hand and pen to write to us on how far we
both are driven up and add these two are charged ...
which then would fall in my 38 +35 = 73
this number, we keep on hand ...
We confirm our specified with "ok" and go back under virtual dub -> video -> filters -> configure ..
where we have indicated previously, our video format, count me as 352x288, now goes to .... synonymous with the new amount or new height, subtract (minus) we calculated our previous number (with me 73) the availability of this new number and enter a number -> in my 288-73 = 215th
zum Bild The filter mode can taste for yourself what everyone s.besten for a fit, so you can then immediately to "show preview", bottom left of the button, check.
confirm - press ok>
so now you have a super video without black beam
ne good?
other hand, a bratwurst fry who has, himself a bratwurstbratgerät
I want to thank you still tinkering with bbc radio1 for the musical support for the tutorials, without which I would have done it nich
because once you skin the essential mix for the ears peace
Antwort von Wesne:

good tutorial
But now when I get to save a problem - the strips are removed only when I video -> full processing mode select
in direct stream copy the filter will be disabled and therefore will not do
or am I just do something wrong?
Antwort von

I'm assume that you times or compress your video file you want ....
yes ..... that way you'd have to choose full processing mode
this answers the question? "
others, a bratwurst fry who has, himself a bratwurstbratgerät
Antwort von Wesne:

aso so I must neucodieren this video
because I already have a fertigcodierte version (700mb) of a dvd and when i want now, in retrospect rid of the stripes