Frage von tommuc:
'm the proud owner of a new PC Config:
Win XP Home 5.1.2600 SP2
Intel Core2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz, 2GB RAM
AVER TV Hybrid + FM PCI with Software AVER TV 6
purchased 6.6.1und divX codec encoder lame mp3 encoder
My problem: will premiere on s-video interface record. Works in low Resolution352x288 good Picture and Sound sicht-/hörbar well.
Higher Resolution720x576 Choice is to be displayed. During the recordings freeze the preview image, unlike the low Resolutionein, the only sound audible hist. The Windows Explorer displays the saved AVI to the correct dimensions. When playing, only audible sound, no picture.
Guess what it has with the WDM drivers to do, but do not know where I should hinfassen.
Suggestions? Thank you!
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Klappt's because other TV stations? Another question, since I use the TV card does not know: What kind of signal comes in? Digital TV? If yes: Why do you not the original MPEG signal on?
Antwort von tommuc:

... for the other stations, the antenna jack on the come, klappts not.
Signal cable analog Germany purely because I have no 2nd Receivers had the digital signal gets only the premiere Humax box with CAM card ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Then the next questions:
Immerse the TV card in Windows Device Manager - and without the exclamation point? If so, I would just with 'another program to try - VirtualDub has a quite usable capture module ...