Frage von CreateDreams:
I must go through each frame with the window effect, it shows me in the preview frame only every 10 or so, it is not always so gehts sometimes sometimes not, gibts as a setting he seems every frame in the preview window shows exactly? please answer to is extremely important to thank
Antwort von Jörg:

You use the arrow key left / right? What format did your clip?
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von CreateDreams:

yes exactly that I use !!!!!! that's the problem? how can I do otherwise? thanks, mfg
Antwort von Jörg:

nöö, all right, to some distribution formats, sometimes only by
1.zum last frame of one GOP to jump, but I've never experienced before.
Antwort von CreateDreams:

hmm, and what I can not do now? am quite aufn sender round. thanks, mfg
Antwort von Jörg:

the question of the format is still open
Antwort von CreateDreams:

are. mov quicktime so because they do not jerk when exporting as mpeg2 or divx
Antwort von Jörg:

I have no problems with mov, but because gabs with version 1.0 of
APP views etwas.Vielleichts fäälts me
Antwort von CreateDreams:

I per 1.5
Antwort von fragile:

mov / Qhicktime is only the container, the codec can not be close ....
Antwort von CreateDreams:

And what do you need then? mfg