Frage von koji:
I just play a little with a short cut along a tanzchoreo and wanted to use with one or the other effect has been unsuccessful, so the relatively fresh and sparkling across. hab several filter s.laufen and scho am quite happy and of course, it is for someone who does not know the amterial hard to say, but I'll ask (because yes kost nix).
Thank you
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

the folder "Color correction" and "stylize" probiert?
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Please start just above the left in the effects list, choose to papp thing and then you take the next one. Once you're down right angkommen render your video out and it is good! It is as simple as good post-production, yes! Many do not know! No, but really think that a good video to rotate and nachproduzieren can tatsächlch can be more than After Effects to HOLD and the effect of filter list to have found! What the naive Volldeppen but now that we know how easy it dogs in REALITY is that to produce good video, is not it?!
Hey, now the whole of the front:
I find such questions completely comical, if not ridiculous to the absurd, sorry!
"I've got something zusammengemauschelt and now I will paperboard Effects drauf! What am I to please them? - The first 15 in After Effects, or simply every second of the bottom?"
The order of creation is exactly the opposite: You have a movie you will find toll. To him next aufzupeppen looking for you to BE YOUR EXISTING FILM PASS THE EFFECTS! What are the results from a logical and coherent understanding and visual YOUR YOUR creative ideas, not from the fact that on this planet Effects THERE!
What you always synonymous make it (so make the pros): Download the following Adobe After Effects plug-down and throw it on the finished film: AE_Make_My_Perfectly_Boring_Dance_Movie_A_Smash_Hit_2
Miracle Finish is your movie!
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

Grading is important
you search a matching color scheme
have fun
check out what ...
@ Debodings
your joke is stolen (even from this forum here) and old, very old ....
Antwort von Debonnaire:

@ Debodings
your joke is stolen (even from this forum here) and old, very old .... Yep, and while of myself! ;-) I have, admittedly, what Analogue forever before anyone else ever written! But, as here permanently again exactly the same questions again and again of the new entrants come, but it is certainly his best answers synonymous times recycle!
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

Ok - when war is ...
He was funny, but with:
CC_Schneid_mir_mal_ne_Maske .... somehow this way - kp
Antwort von koji:

@ debi
on some social würstl the anonymous then the strong wiki raushängen can I renounce.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
@ debi
on some social würstl the anonymous then the strong wiki raushängen can I renounce. Probably wishes to renounce! ;-) And wish you a bit more looseness, Jung Chen! ;-)
"anonymous "??!!
"The strong raushängen wiki can "??!! Do you look at this sentence please briefly in GERMAN? Thank you!
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Debonnaire is very striking to the point: effects alone are not, the video to your success.
Your views material and trying a variety of interesting and cutting style. The cuts to the beat of the music and vote synonymous details used: faces, feet, hands ,....
That is, if by then you can times about whether s.der another body would be useful effect or an effect on the whole clip.
But if the cut is not interesting, you all benefit effects nothing.
If it fits thematically, the following approaches could be reviewed:
(Know the filter name not because I have no AE)
(full) video in black and white (or sepia) and with one for old-film look attached (stripes / streaks).
Simple Inserts (Dissolve) for combining a large reception with a detail or Picture in Picture with a very fuzzy edges.
Maybe times an animated light source (a star or a flash)
Fuzziness s.Rändern to highlight the subject.
In the case of a use for a short trailer: Colorize or generate masks, or something like pencil drawings.
Omit the descending through, etc. Umblättern of pictures or - even worse - of any graphical elements. (With the exception of the text or Veranstsltungslogo in a trailer, but please do not synonymous exaggerate!)