Frage von stefanhofer:
hello first,
I am a beginner in encore 2.0, wants a simple dvd with a main menu & 2 movies. This works out as far as after that the dvd is started, the main menu for half a second is visible and then abruptly the first to start the film begins.
... have now been tried many things. in the properties menu on an unlimited number of loop, etc. .. hab wahrschehnlich this (hopefully) easy to solve problem in the forum have not yet found.
ask for help and understanding for this problem viell. tritely
Antwort von stefanhofer:

... wanted to add that the project does not fail under review and will take place in the preview synonymous everything works perfectly .... but then PowerDVD this above mentioned problem of representing.
gruss stefan
Antwort von david2:

s.and to exist with Encore halt echt unexplained problems ...
What's going on? If the button, the movie starts, coincidentally the "automatic activation" switched on (d. in properties)?
This should obviously not be appropriate.
Too bad if in between with temp. What files have been changed.
Antwort von stefanhofer:

first thank you for the speedy response, have "automatic activation" but not turned on. it still seems as if the menu still does not perceive as a menu will!
Antwort von gibson:

You Werwendest PowerDVD or WinDVD? I know this problem only with WinDVD and Encore!
Do you have the Poss. times your DVD in an external player to run?
Experiment times, alternatively with Windows Media Player. I know as I have said this phenomenon, but only in conjunction with WinDVD.
Antwort von stefanhofer:

I use PowerDVD. habs now synonymous with WinDVD times tried - unfortunately same problem - here, there is no menu synonymous with a second to see how in PowerDVD.
habs ... but meanwhile s.externen player run times, and lo and behold, there is no problem. menu works flawlessly ...
... I find it funny anyway, but it was now uncertain. in any event, thank you for your support!
Antwort von ce:

AHHHHHH I said exactly this problem. Use Encore 2.0
With WinDVD seh ich für nen fraction of a second menu, then again everything is black and I have to "manually" (= button in the software) on the MAIN MENU go. On the stand there no problems.
Can you actually make something? Who uses Encore and has this prblem NOT? I habs namely each (!) Times :-(
thank you in advance
Antwort von ce:

Antwort von Mylenium:

No idea what you're doing. Funzt problems.
Antwort von issc:

The main menu itself has to be linked. Endaktion is available as a default "stop". Changes to this, it should fit.