Frage von Fayter:
have the following problem:
Hab mir ne bought external hard drive (Proworx 2.5 "40GB)
has initially synonymous still working, then have my important data on it and loaded the system aufgesetzt.Danach, I want the data on my PC and lo and behold ... the external hard drive is not recognized, ie it is already recognized in the Control Panel -> hardware, but I can not access ...
On the plate are very important data on it! What should I do now?
Bidde help me:)
Antwort von BigHitman:

what operating system you have raufgespielt?
win2000 prof wants my harddisk on xp prof
runs fine now synonymous format.
gruß cj
Antwort von Fayter:

hab aufm other home and professional PC, is based on two not believe the record itself has broken NEN ...
Antwort von Waldi:

Hello FAYT, hab 'almost the same problem with 160GB disk. Do you have SATA hard disks?
Antwort von Fayter:

nö hab no SATA
Antwort von Waldi:

Hello FAYT, perhaps you need a new driver, because new system, or the controller on your new Motherboart breucht one?
MfG Waldi
Antwort von Fayter:

mhm ...
did not change the system, have 2 PC at a home on the other professional habs on both probiert-> geht net
The record has ever worked, I think has nothing with the USB
Antwort von schmunzeltaler:

as a slave and install data download