Frage von astrahaus:
Hello, I want my VHS video collection on hard drive (external) and then transferred via USB into the DVD player 960 Scott i recall. The transfer to the PC went without problems MPEG files were created, I can accept files in different formats synonymous convert but all the possibilities endsteht play on your DVD Player with USB
key Picture and a Hive
Tonlauf. With a purchased DVD movie on the external hard drive and copied the movie files went without problems (the file formats are the same).
The films are all of various Fersehsendern were recorded.
I hofe one can give me a hint, please describe exactly'm not a professional. Thanks
Antwort von Stefan:

Had I read the first and had to delete a response ... Now the 2nd Expt
Take control times the bit rate of digitized video. I suspect that is significantly higher than for purchase DVDs.
Next differ Purchase DVD MPEGs MPEGs of the selbstdigitalisierten in muxing, ie the Verwurschtelung of Video + Audio + DVD control statements in the overall data stream.
You can try the "VHS" MPEGs with a DVD authoring program to mux to VOB files. In addition, you can use the freeware or Ifoedit Muxman. Both, however, insist on separate, ie, elementary streams for video and audio. A merged ie an MPEG program stream you can demux to elementary streams with TMPGEnc.
Good luck
The fat Stefan