Frage von schuko24:
Hello, people
I durchgescannt the forum, but found no solution.
Question: can I backup in order to move a mobile hard drive connected directly s.den SD 9 and the stream-drop data (; *. mts) on it?
Many greetings from Celle
Antwort von killertomate:

Skip SD9 is s.den not happen - at least since you need a netbook or something like that. And since you can just take the internal disk.
While there are external disks with "Auto Backup" function, but that does not work "standalone", but always with a contain old on the PC software. How else can the plate synonymous know what will save them ...
Antwort von jazzy_d:

There are so synonymous USB copiers copy Batteries with very small or of direct current to a USB device to another. eg
Antwort von schuko24:

Thanks for the tip, and so quickly it! Seems to be ingeniously simple. We'll see where I was getting a part.
Gerd P. from C.:)
Antwort von Jan:

Will not work to 99% with a video camera.
If you do, please give bescheid.
Antwort von killertomate:

Hhhhm - is in the description: Can be used with any device that is recognized as an external drive.
So it should work synonymous with the HDC.
Antwort von Jan:

Hello --
I made this once a test (; been about 3-4 years) ago.
During the test was not detected eg Sony HDD camera, a JVC has been recognized, at least of the external hard drive. Yes it was about OTG enabled external hard disks.
At that time I had 2 OTG capable hard disks when the test with 6 cameras.
A dangerous issue, you should really test whether the video camera detects the hard drive and can access the video really folders.
But actually I would gladly come again to the question. Why must the camera necessarily with the hard drive via USB angestöpselt? Many external hard drive but have a SD / HC card slot for direct dubbing ....
These external hard disks before OTG always die out over how much today costs even a 32 GB SDHC card?
Antwort von Jan:

Since we have 2 items of the time:
OTG hard drive s.Camcorders of-hdd-camcorder-to-portable-hdd-no-pc - As I said, the synonymous meets memory camcorder - it can go - but not necessarily.
Although Sonyeh is a subject in itself, I have tried with the SonyVRD MC 5 Direktbrenner a contact for Canon HF 200 or get to the JVC HD 30. No Chance on USB, the writer says, "no compatible camera "....
But here we are, fortunately for Panasonic, but I would try anyway before. With 14 days return policy so no problem.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

If the device synonymous for them? I guess very much! ^ ^
Antwort von schuko24:

Thank you again for your tips. Now I'm waiting for the OTG bridge (, 20 money including postage, will s.2.9. Be there) and then try whether I mts data a) directly of the sd9 and b) pushing through the card reader on the Samsung S2 can. I report immediately s.dieser place. Until then!
Gerd P. from C.
Antwort von schuko24:

brief progress report:
Otg equip the bridge I just received s.Netzgerät connected, since the Batteries from my stock probably were too weak.
Device is switched on, s.Source card connector set, green LED indicates OK, Samsung S2 500GB s.Target port plugged. No response. Not enough electricity?
So USB Y-cable for iPod s.Ladegerät one hand, on the other completed. HD drive shows ready status, is now known of the bridge.
Dubbing (; selected All start) and run approximately one minutes, then flash the source and target LEDs red / green. End in the field.
Control of the data is transferred to S2: dir0000 list as is created, the folder structure is private, stream, etc. of the card, but not the mts-data to be dealt with me, yes.
Wat nu? Has anyone an idea?