Frage von stanislaus:
moin moin!
I have a finished project in Final Cut Pro of 13 minutes length. that I would now like to optimal:
- As a pal as a normal dvd burn
- As a dvd for HDV burn.
what should I do?
sincere thanks,
Antwort von PowerMac:

Optimum PAL quality with on-board resources:
Res A 422-Pro sequence in anamorphic PAL (new sequence, then this sequence preset open) and create your movie purely throw. In the sequence settings to activate high quality. Approximately at 10 bit YCbCr. Then output as Quicktime (not Quicktime conversion) with the same settings (not re-compress images, not an independent film). The push in Compressor. They create a setting with 8.5 Mbit / s and 2xVBR, motion estimation and deinterlaces high (tab in the settings of the compression settings). Choose the 8.5 Mbit / s setting and a 192 kbit / s Setting for your Pro Res 422-film.
HD: Do I have never done. You can with DVD Studio Pro HD-DVDs (HD-DVD simply dial) to create. Actually, you can film your normal export via Quicktime Export as topless Neukompression, just like the timeline as HDV. That you can just add in DVD Studio Pro synonymous and should go. Check the times.
Antwort von Axel:

A DSP burned with HD DVD (Compressor: H.264 for HD DVD, due to the otherwise high data rate) was on a borrowed player is loaded, but the movie does not play, though Apple claims that with the Toshiba player to be compatible.
I hear it could be because the Toshiba player is not compatible with 50i. This is
supposed to be such a
Update remedy. After the death of Toshiba, and because I see it as compatible with the
transfer goes, I myself am not interested, but if you already have a player playing for their own and do want to try it ...
Antwort von Canon:

on the same subject. The HDV - video in Final Cut Pro 6 Caturen in a ProRes 422 to restore, then the above settings and enter back into QT off. Richtig so?
With this QT movie can I get a DVD in iDVD burn. Right?
Apologies but these issues with DV ANAM. was just easier.
Thank you
Antwort von PowerMac:

"(...) The HDV - video in Final Cut Pro 6 Caturen in a ProRes 422 to restore, then the above settings and enter back into QT off. Richtig so?"
No! I do not understand a word. Quite normal in HDV cut. A PAL sequence create with Pro Res as a codec. (Sequence-Vorienstellung load). Rendering. Off as a Quicktime. The QuickTime in Compressor make. MPEG-2 ug draw with data rates and settings. Then of course, in DVD Studio Pro and iDVD NOT. iDVD is scheisse.