Frage von Robmantuto:
hi, I'm just a s.testen animation with a butterfly.
I would like to make a butterfly fly by gegend leave. I have a first kompo with the beating of butterfly wings is created. then I created a new kompo and the first imported. I would now like the butterfly on the screen in different directions can fly. unfortunately, is the first kompo limited. ie I can move only so long until the first question is to kompo.
I do not know if anyone here knows with flash. You can also create a movie with an animation, this will always be played and repeated. this movie, I can copy a new movie. in this movie is the first movie abgepielt and thus one could move the butterfly wings and the beating would be played. and precisely this function would want to use after effects.
I can absolutely ide animation somehow in the second kompo extend or similar. I hope you can help me. Thank you.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Time Remapping (time distortion). Otherwise -> Clip render, re-import, number of repetitions set.