Frage von Sarah:
I have a macmini / am a beginner and have noticed that - to a DVD with youtube videos and other videos from the network to be able to create - just iDVD. mov files it takes to read and burn them.
now I'm using the site youtube videos to mov convert for apple, but it takes a very long time. therefore I am looking for an alternative. There is an easy to use free / cheap program to do so?
Now I've tried synonymous, with the Xilisoft video converter to, mov umzukonvertieren what not but then iDVD has taken. it seems. mov mov file is not equal to ...??
who can help me?
specifically, I try a wmv file - not of youtube - into iDVD to get around this video then burn.
thank you very much!
Antwort von Chrimaschu:

Hi Sarah,
it is possible you need to