Frage von levideonen:
hi my name is Marco, sorry about my bad english
i wont buy a new camera hd now use a little sony HC3 HDV i wont more image quality i think a new panasonic AG-HMC151E.
i s.waiting your advice for buy or not buy this camera.
the next day i s.going to berlin i wont know the name of electronic store where it's possible buy this camera s.chip price?
you know any address where it's possible buy it?
italy price is too big 3500 ¬ i hope s.less price city :-))
i will use this camera with Canopus Edius 5 and Sony Vegas Pro 8 it's full compatible with this camcorder?
Thanks a lot for any reply
bye bye
Thank you
by marco of milan
Antwort von c.herf:

Price is about the same in berlin ... maybe a bit more. There are a few stores where you can rent cameras, lightning and stuff (, stone, ... ... i think these shops can order you like any camera you want ...
Antwort von Jan Myck:

in Berlin is TELTEC GmbH, Oberlandstraße 26-35, 12099 Berlin.
and another company named head stone-cut,
Teltec has a lot of cams. Look s.the website.
Edius 5 is ok for all cams but its only a software! The best running you get the video card with HD-Storm.
Good luck!
Antwort von levideonen:

thanks a lot for great information !!!!!
thank you marco
Antwort von c.herf:

S.teltec The price is plus 20% tax!