Frage von ironvillage:
dear experts!
someone knows how or whether one with the macro setting s.eine
can use, so I 20cm prior to the object, what I aufnemen
wants a macro shot hinbekommen?
If so, is there a special button in the menu or a setting?
Contribution from the mod in the category "Canon XH-A1/G1/XL-H1" postponed.
Antwort von Axel:

From 20 cm distance do you get it as a big palm on it. You can, of pure focus of her, very close rang deal until the lens itself is the object abschattet. The smallest object that
without outside help to get the full picture would probably be a thumb.
With external assistance (Nahlinse, achromat), it could eingezoomt of the thumb nail or even a ladybug be (depending of the degree of magnification).
Antwort von Bernd E.:
macro setting ... ... ... gibts 20cm there a special button or menu in a setting ... The XH-A1 has no special macro setting and they need not be synonymous in the attack, the wide-angle lens Nahgrenze at 2cm.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von High_Tension:

For more macro nehm I achromat of Canon 500D. Den gibts around 100 ¬:)
Antwort von ironvillage:

many thanks for Your efforts and answers