Frage von rauchschwein:Hello,
maybe I'm just stupid, but I've simply found nothing about this:
Ich hab in Affter Effects NEN small gebastelt the film as a DVD menu to be saddled. Now the question is how do I get in premiere here?
Of course, a place in the film (of AE) as a button, but synonymous I can tell him nowhere. Ich hab ne video2brain CD while he makes wonderful NEN menu shown is synonymous as the movie is rendered, but how it is incorporated in Premiere is nowhere (not synonymous Manual).
Do I need to really Encore? If this is not synonymous somehow different?
Antwort von tsartist:
Do I need to really Encore? yes
Antwort von rauchschwein:
encore I did not and I can not afford synonymous.
Is there an inexpensive alternative?