Frage von precharge:
How can we make ne question:
What are the practical connections to a mini-DV camcorder should have around him s.pc adapter. how long it lasts about one of the 60min film hochzukriegen?
How are you doing this?
Only mini dv to buy and then click play on dvd?
, you can use a mini dv camcorder via usb s.einen dvd player connected with a function has divx?
It is very stressful when the camcorder is not usb 2.0 but has the normal?
many questions ....
thanks in advance!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
What are the practical connections to a mini-DV camcorder should have around him s.pc adapter. Firewire.
how long it lasts about one of the 60min film hochzukriegen? 60 minutes.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

So the normal? I think as Firewire.
Via firewire the video to play on PC. The advantage of! Your file is identical with what is on the tape without loss of quality.
The transmission is 1:1 60min = 60min film about play.
Antwort von jonas_kl:

Now would be a wonderful time, the USB VS Firewire Battle of to start anew. If you have a cam then a highspeed USB connection, then there is no Firewire on quality differences. If your cam but only a USB Full Speed connection, then you of quality. Firewire is not faster and not as long bunting with high speed USB.
ITEM End of discussion!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... a wonderful time, the USB VS Firewire Battle of to start anew ;-)
Firewire is not faster and not as long bunting with high speed USB. Why synonymous? The tape in the camcorder moves so not faster or slower ... If the camera but even to transfer via USB high-speed capable (very few are), it is important to note that one on the installation and operation of the camcorder manufacturers supplied software is. With Firewire designed as the standard connection on the other hand, every x-editing program, including any iMovie or Windows Movie Maker clear.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Now would be a wonderful time, the USB VS Firewire Battle of to start anew. If you have a cam then a highspeed USB connection, then there is no Firewire on quality differences. If your cam but only a USB Full Speed connection, then you of quality. Firewire is not faster and not as long bunting with high speed USB.
End of discussion! Blabla. Firewire is technically better. As so often discussed.
Antwort von jonas_kl:

-Is it not!
Is it!
-Is it not!
Is it!
Should it ever since the next to go? If you do not have Firewire s.seinem computer for the USB, it is better to take. But anyone who has a Firewire s.seinen computer that will use him synonymous. But why buy a Firewire cable, USB wenns synonymous with it?
And who now technically superior, yet Sch *** no preference. Like in kindergarten ..... Hei de Nai!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Troll. It is not equally well with USB. And it is not always via USB. Following scenario: A PC with only USB and Premiere Pro 3rd Now I am using USB, my little mouse? That is not at all but ... I thought I should, according to your expert opinion using USB ...
Antwort von Chezus:

Most have Firewire Connections Calculator and all DV cameras actually synonymous. And it is immediately recognized by the computer. What more could you want?
As with the Stinkefinger: everyone knows the world and everyone knows immediately what one wants to say. But why it is the finger in the middle and not the ring finger or little finger?
Because the middle finger has prevailed. Why this is so interested in actually no more today.
Firewire is synonymous enforced. Why? I'm not interested.
So enough gefaselt cheese.
Antwort von jonas_kl:

Well the other fingers for other things there. You would not be so synonymous in the microphone input of the IR cable stuck inside. Or in the computer - in the headphone cable.
Antwort von DWUA:

Chezus, why?
Because Moses the 2 stone tablets with the 10 commandments, which he painstakingly
herabgeschleppt from the mountain, not the back of
has reviewed.
There is usgeschrieben:
Thou shalt no other use Firewire cables apart.
Now everyone can believe or not believe.
We believe in it,
Antwort von jonas_kl:

That was with the panels was not ... Moses has climbed the mountain to one of the hottest Lan parties in the country to go. Then by chance he has on the exchange server has a word with the Ten Commandments found that he was then on his USB stick has withdrawn. So nix with boards, people do not live in the Stone Age.
Excerpt from the Ten Commandments:
-I am the Lord your Mac, thou shalt have no other operating systems besides me.
Honor Hardware and Software
-Thou shalt not pirate copy
Antwort von Chezus:

Oh right, that I've totally forgotten. I should rather often go to church or the IT shop around the corner, where you tend to be a sect can count ...
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The sparkling apple (s)
/ E
Antwort von Chezus:

No sect is the next apple away. But it is wonderful. It makes for perfect happiness and wellbeing ..... just great ...
Antwort von DWUA:

Hello Guest,
It was bronze / iron age.
The only person in the Stone remained happy, bist DU.
Thanks for your contribution