Frage von mcbarny:
I have in my DVDSP project is a menu like in the form of a visual collage, and that when you select an image (text is a key one) to appear. This text should always ask the same s.der emerge. gibts da any possibility or should I change my concept?
urge you to answer!
thank you ..
Antwort von Axel:

That is the standard situation. The best way you can create the layout in Photoshop. The complete background in PAL size. To a level above you put the fonts. Write only in black. Then save the "background" and "writings" as separate PSD files, the latter with a white background. Go in DSP "Hintergrund.psd" in the menu preview window, and enter as an overlay file in the menu editor (in the Advanced - configuration, click the Window menu below right) "Schriften.psd. Under the tab
colors you choose
Advanced> type mapping> Grayscale. Now you can choose the font color from the palette. For an Anti-Alias | Wavefront Mayaing pick the same color opacity of (in descending order): 15 to 10 - 5 - 0, so that you eliminate the flicker of the Scriptures. The fonts are not visible until you have created by dragging with your mouse in the Preview menu, the corresponding buttons.
Select Important Tip: No font with serifs, not too fine writing, but rather "bold".
You can with the gray-scale method (or chroma method, read the manual) synonymous still unravel as a background color for the fonts with Anti-Alias | Wavefront Mayaing. With multicolored buttons, there are the Photoshop layers method, where each button has a different (appropriately named) PSD-plane. For this purpose, you'd have the "Menu" and delete from the
list (top left) to add a
menu with layers. Theoretically, it would be possible to make the most alone in DSP, but the constant references to Photoshop in the manual already shows: DSP halt is not a graphics program.
If there are any problems, just ask again.
EDIT: just see, you want the different bars "have always s.derselben body. This is s.schnellsten by planes method.
Antwort von mcbarny:

hey, vielen dank erstmal!
'll start immediatly ..
Antwort von grovel:

Would like to add that not true mouseover is possible on a DVD. Because the standard provides no mouse.
Most ComputerDVDProgramme display the button overlays, if you drüberfährt with the mouse, without really taking place a button selection - but not all.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von Michi4444:

Hello Axel
synonymous'd have one more question. I want to use basically the same effect. Text insertion always s.der same place. Unfortunately, disappear in my Photoshop Layers option, since I have a moving menu (HG) is a video. How can I do that? The buttons I can not draw synonymous s.der place on where to have the Scriptures.
Wär super nice if you could give me a tip.
Antwort von Axel:

Salut Michi,
it is possible. You take instead of a "menu" a normal video track. N s.The you put into this place (to appear), s.denen certain tablets, markers () as chapter markers by clicking above the timeline. Then you make a right click in the selection and choose
Mark for highlighting buttons. Between two such marks you positionierst the cursor in a subtitle track, and double click. In the subtitle editor, then comes
Graphics> File> Select, so you points - for example in Photoshop-built - overlay.
It is late, the further procedure you please extracted from the manual, I would say under the heading
tags> Keys highlighting and so on.
For more tables you need to use more subtitle tracks.
The buttons I can not draw synonymous s.der place on where to have the Scriptures. That would be synonymous illogical. To understand: All the hotspots for the button marked area for the entire track (not prepared them for independent of the underlying overlay subtitle streams) in Unteretitelspur 1 (= "S1"). The first button as the left has its overlay in "S1". He is preselected. "Script 1" describes that the button 1 from a startup to "script 2", which performs that "S2" is displayed, which just this button
and the text displays. At the same script takes 2 the auto-start function again. The selected button and the relevant text
and are
a same image and are always displayed together (multi-colored by whether or grayscale Advanced Chroma Technology). Indeed, it can always only a subpicture to be
displayed simultaneously. The buttons are not selected must therefore be part of the background film, as the highlight feature of the hotspot button only works for 1st However, the user must be shown where the next button is located. The functionality of multiple buttons is tricky, since you to change - only the subpictures, not the beginning of the track - must rely on scripting, probably will, but in any event when the button is guided by "Enter" to another lane because The first function is overdone by Autostart. Happy success!
Antwort von Michi4444:

ui. it sounds so complicated, but I'll try it s.Wochenende times. Thanks for the detailed help.
Antwort von Axel:
"Script 1" describes that the button 1 from a startup to "script 2", which performs that "S2" is displayed, which just this button and the text displays. At the same script takes 2 the auto-start function again. Garbage to the late hour.
It was a while ago, I knew that it had worked, but had forgotten exactly how. Since yesterday I have drawn this nonsense out of your fingers. The Startup cancel? Forget it.
I hope you still reading this before you go to work. You can not reset the function of the button. To activate the buttons with the corresponding video track meant you need a new, blank button, which can be anywhere s.Bildrand are. He is invisible to the user who thinks he still have the button-1 option before them. The script that is invoked by the startup operation of button 1 to put the subtitle track 2 (Overlay with Button 1
and the associated writing tablet, and on the shortlisted new button 2, for which there is no overlay. By pressing "Enter" is the associated feature called. Click Unfortunately benefit nothing, although has previously worked the mouseover. Because the button is not even under the mouse!
You're right, it is very complicated. Let's skull to smoke and find a solution! I am s.morgen on computer-free travel, and may initially not s.Thread participate. In two weeks you have done it determines. Good night, and good luck!
EDIT: How about with one in Comparison to Resolutionsehr small button graphics? The highlight would be contour effect (on one page of the virtual but) visible button. Button 2, the functional, activated button that would be the other half of the knob. Or will the two get in the way? Does the car start if the mouse is so great that it has
two hotspots covered? Only as a suggestion. It remains exciting.