Frage von xlive:
If I in s.7.0. mov and subsequently re-import as a. mov export the writing in the film is quite pixelated.
the original-was-mov with photo jpeg compression.
no preference in what I choose kompremierungseinstellung after effects now, so the best quality, the writing in the new. mov always seems pretty full of holes.
there may be something to note, overall I think the quality of the exported. mov's eh not quite convincing.
greet XLive
Antwort von steveb:

if you re-render it, is always worse. double-encrypted / compressed a picture does not logically better. work better with dv formats, and using no compression.
Antwort von PowerMac:

you have enabled high quality in Quicktime Player?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Do you see the error as early as synonymous with AE preview?
Have you ever tried to export to DV? Occurs because the error on synonymous?
This borders on the instructions of the error or steveb Powermac book.
Antwort von xlive:

@ steveb: the image quality The "something" is bad is not a problem, I know when the premiere of the film are cut, and again as a. mov is exported. in this instance with but written pretty badly.
@ PowerMac yes.
@ Nightfly!: In the preview it looks ok, only comes after the export.
have nothing on my computer DV moderate. create the. mov's for the internet.
Antwort von steveb:

hmm .. then codec or bitrate problem ....