Frage von GLP:
hey leute ^ ^
I've bought myself a new mp4 player but he does not play mpeg files from!
I've searched scohn programs to convert the mpeg to asf or wmv but found none ..
vll can you help me yes ^ ^
thank you in advance
Antwort von Markus:
I've bought myself a new mp4 player but he does not play mpeg files from! The device would I! Complaint A mp4 (MPEG4) player that is happening not an MPEG ... * tete *
Antwort von prem:

naja hab schon was gfundn so you can input it into amv umwandln anyway thx, D
Antwort von HILFE:
naja hab schon was gfundn so you can input it into amv umwandln anyway thx, D please how can I convert to mpeg wmv??
I need to make it on my hp raufzuladen!
only takes wmv formats
goes with the WMM if so how??
Save for gehts ncith
Antwort von Markus:
please how can I convert mpeg to wmv? I would try it with the Windows Media Encoder. Then you can make better choices than in Movie Maker. But I do not know if it works. My sources are usually DV - and HuffYUV AVIs.
Previously, the MPEG file (check