Frage von ganjan:
what I have of 2 defective DV tapes capture.
Unfortunately, when you have lots of rough play on the computer pixel played ...:(
the tapes to see something komsich, ie their surface is not completely smooth, but in short distances curl.
There is a possibility but trouble-free pictures to play?
Many thanks in advance!
Antwort von Markus:

a corrugated surface indicates that the tape material has been overly stretched. If so, then unfortunately you have no way, the recordings did not err capture.
What is happening with the tape?
Antwort von ganjan:

I did it in another camera play with as I've recorded. but this can not be the problem ...
probably has the camera, with which I have captured, NEN hurt ...
thanks for the quick reply;)
Antwort von Markus:
I did it in another camera play with as I've recorded. But that could very well (synonymous) the cause. In addition, you can MiniDV DV Standard Play (SP) synonymous Long Play record (which is not compatible) and even Canon ELP (Extra Long Play ... that gives you no other camcorder again!).
Furthermore, it could be synonymous HDV, but yes because you have at least one picture, we can neglect this possibility.
Kannst Du mal ein Still Image of the tape show? I mean, if the surface normal wavy "or whether it was damaged?
Antwort von ganjan:

hi markus,
on the rapid, I can not upload photos ... but the bands look rather as if they were damaged. they have in the space of about 3-5mm fold across a kind of running.
because the material I've recorded myself, LP is actually excluded.