Frage von pm:
I have a movie with iMovie cut now, I would like to create a dvd where I s.dvd player directly or s.rechner on dvd player will play.
As far as I know I can create dvd in iDVD is just asking how I present the movie in iMovie with ready dvstream or mov file such as what is the best mölichkeit to s.die best qualiät to get?
nee still wonder what files spiet the outer windows media player wmv from?
I can with the quick time player pro mov to wmv convert?
würd mich freuen if anyone can wieterhelfen.
gruss patrick
Antwort von Kino:

Hi Patrick,
is already 'ne while ago, but I versuch's' times:
IMovie Project "Provision", "With export QT" QT Movie Options ..., Compression "Apple Intermediate Codec" (iDVD can import mW).
* If you want to create wmv, you need a QT extension as Flip4Mac, but it cost 'was. (Ms. Guhgel is''ne Petz!).
I hope this helps for now.
Gruss Chistoph
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