Frage von KEINER:Hello! I now have Studieo Pinnacle version 9, but at once I can no more movies from the camcorder to the PC or the program play. When I click on "Recording" button, then runs probably the camera on my Fim s.and player in the top right corner is synonymous the number of minutes played angeszeigt, but there is nothing in the player to see and it will be recorded, no erschenen scene photos in the album. And then times when I still try to edit, then dauch nothing. So it will simply be recorded and the player (the box above left) is not synonymous. What can I do I'm completely down, have already tried everything. Well, I've ever synonymous Fime cut, but is already two years ago and it was an older version, as has all worked.
ud prefer greeting I hope you can help me.
Antwort von steveb:
As you have it wired? With firewire?
Antwort von Alpinist:
As you have it wired? With firewire? Or just the wrong source? Possibly yes, you have (accidentally) a source such as capturing of your graphics card is clicked.