Frage von hanzwurschd:
Hello people, I dunno if I have a problem or not.
I have 3 points in the image, as pixel errors are s.ganz different as far as I've noticed that only after long exposure time. but I am not sure if it is not see in other pictures too s.tag areas because they are rotated or brighter. s buddy said that it depends s.der belichtungszeit and that the points which mim chip have to do.
is that true? or I've got a problem and if so what needs to be done?
wär cool if anyone knew anything, schönen gruß
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Tell me please exactly what shutter setting will show the problem I am testing the hab 2 mal XL1s stand here, I know the problem so far not.
Optics using your what?
B. DeKid
Antwort von nicecam:

Hello hanzwurschd,
I have a similar problem with my older Hi8 camera SonyVX-1E. There are down about 6 pixels. No longer is used, because I now have 2 HDV cameras.
Try this experiment approach for suspecting that it might be defective pixels:
Camera in shooting mode, Aperture close if possible, otherwise the front lens cap on it. Camera can warm up, maybe a little switch on Gain.
If they are defective pixels, which should now be visible.
Then a repair would be payable, but would be very expensive, if at all possible.
But there is an elegant way to make it invisible in the post these pixel errors:
Now I do not know what editing software you use. S.Version MAGIX VDL 2007 PLUS, which I have to include offers the possibility of VirtualDub filter as a video effect plug-ins. Among other things, the filter LogoAway, which, as the name says, is to make it invisible channel logo. This feature I have always criticized, but ideal for the correction of pixel defects. After application of the failed pixels can be seen any more.
Do you have software that filters can not mount, the following might be possible, because then I know but not as well know:
To render the movie as AVI (; DV-AVI) file, use VirtualDub to capture and then the filter on it.
The filter must be applied again on the way, each pixel. However, you have the option to save the filter settings so that you can load on subsequent shoot then the filter without re-recruitment and over again.
A Instructions for the application of LogoAway you find for example
here. I'm curious if I could help you, or whether it is an entirely different problem.
Gruß Johannes