Frage von wahlheidi:
is it normal that my movie with Quicktime still looks quite normal, so in the same quality as in FinalCut and then after compacting to burn soooo much worse? (To the fonts a veil, curtain in the background is flickering, black trousers of the dancers show streaks, edges of people are blurred, large motion blur) And to be honest, the picture quality is not top of the outset because of poor Lichverhältnisse, but it sooo much worse, I was very frightened.
I'm still a novice and delighted me to answer or notice, if this issue ever been discussed in here somewhere ...
Lieben Gruss
Antwort von hansreinhard:

what data did you set? codierst with what your after quicktime mpeg-2?
hans wondering ...
Antwort von wahlheidi:

Thank you for your reply Hans,
As I said, I am Beginners and do just the first major project with Final Cut ...
Here are the settings I've left the default:
Qicktime Film
Compression: H.264
Frame rate currently
Keyframes: all 24 photos
Compressor quality 75
Encoding: Best Quality
Data Rate: auto
Would glad if you or someone else to me an optimal setting might suggest. It is a Stockkampflehrfilm, there is much movement in the film to see.
Have just seen that there is a "Clipleiche" in the sequence herumlag and my movie of 45min to 2 hours extended. Could it perhaps be due to synonymous?
Antwort von hansreinhard:

moin Janna,
with h.264 you can not make DVD-Video! This is only mpeg-2.
what's your source material? DV-PAL? HDV? AVCHD?
gruß, hans
Antwort von wahlheidi:

Hi Hans,
Source material is DV. PAL
Antwort von wahlheidi:

Oh yes, I work with Final Cut Express HD. Perhaps what is so important. Mpeg2's not for me.
Antwort von hansreinhard:

hi Janna
yes I know, mpeg-2 you can not produce final cut, which goes only with an external program (compressor, toast etc)
with what program you because your DVD?
here exemplifies the workflow in combination with Toast 6 or 7:
exportierst you cut your sequence-dependent as quicktime movie (File / Export / quicktime-movie ...) with the following settings:
Setting: current
including audio and video
markings without
"re-compress all images" does
not tick
"as an independent film secure" does
not tick
the newly created quicktime file is only a few megabytes in size and refers to your original files of final cut.
these "dependent" quicktime-movie (which has perhaps Final Cut Pro icon instead of quicktime-ikon, but nix) you draw on the surface of toast (Setting: DVD-Video) and ask you all the parameters of the DVD at the airport one (start menu, auto start, compression, etc.)
voilà: you can use a DVD-Video burn
only with final cut alone you can not create DVD-Video.
Antwort von HZJ:

Hi Hans,
thank you for your answer,
I have a DVD menu created with iDVD and wanted it so synonymous burn, but has always stopped and error messages given. Then I created an image file from iDVD and then burned. I hope all this is true even as I write. War is an eternal fumbling. Meanwhile I will do all again, now spins iDVD but goes completely and do not show up on ... Perhaps this is just my iDVD in the bucket ....
Antwort von hansreinhard:

Janna hi,
yes of course you can create DVD with iDVD - try-restart computer, hire iDVD preferences clear, probably in the folder: / Users / Library / Preferences / ... the files "" and all " delete, then reboot.
anyway you should not create h.264 files, because then you would the DV-PAL-encoded movie files only in the highly compressed h.264 format and then back to mpeg-2 format (mach iDVD auto) to convert, since waste can only get out !
viel erfolg!
Antwort von HZJ:

Hi Hans,
jau, have now done everything again and loved ones from the Powerbook hervorgekramt, external hard drive attached and the iDVD program made new again, and am still on it, sigh .... Under Project Info already provides all the times much better than before. The setting with the h.264 gabs only in Quicktime convert Quicktime movie simply has no options. But I think and hope everything is good now. I guess so, but that it was s.dieser file corpse ...
decision will give as the DVD is ....
Antwort von HZJ:

Hoi Hans,
Now everything is super. Habs straight again with the first DVD compared. Very much better. Gott lob. Because I'm happy. Is finally one years of work involved. Phew ....
Herzlichen Gruss