Frage von Elli:
hallo leute!
I have pre. per 2.0 and just trying to save a title (the book of exercise for adobe premiere7!). in the book is open, window title "file / save and then with the extension. prtl store. if I can put it in Premiere Pro 2.0 to make, but he saves the project! choose another extension is not.
what to do?
thank you love .....
ps: is ne tryout version had no manual so I could look, sorry!
Antwort von Elli:

hallo leute!
I have pre. per 2.0 and just trying to save a title (the book of exercise for adobe premiere7!). in the book is open, window title "file / save and then with the extension. prtl store. if I can put it in Premiere Pro 2.0 to make, but he saves the project! choose another extension is not.
what to do?
thank you love .....
ps: is ne tryout version with which I bought the book so no manual where I could look, sorry!
Antwort von JMitch:

In Premiere Pro 2.0, the title stored in the Project, you need not separately store. That was in earlier versions, I do not think so.
Antwort von Elli:

yes, the title already in the project, but when I pull into a track is not visible. Therefore, I think you need to save it?
Antwort von JMitch:
yes, the title already in the project, but when I pull into a track is not visible. Therefore, I think you need to save it? ne, hab error!
Thank you!
Antwort von JMitch:

That has nothing to do with saving, you must have another cause.
Possible sources of error:
- The track is invisible (-> The eye icon)
- Another video obscures the title (The title must be in a track above the video, the video it otherwise obscured)
- The title is in the timeline behind or in front of the positions that you're in the preview window.
- You have no text in the title, the title consists only of a transparent surface and is therefore invisible.
- The opacity of the title is at 0%
- The position or scaling of the title is that he is not in the visible range is
... there are many possible causes
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi, in 2.0 the title in the Project window, select Export -> and as the title. Prtl in save directory of your choice.
No online help with F1?