Frage von pillepalle:Hello,
climb of straight to dvd studio pro to encore
my question:
encore when you can - as in DVD Studio Pro and comressor - settings when creating the dvd out?
little material: upscale compress
much material: ...
've found nothing about
Thank you
Antwort von Jörg:
no idea where you've wanted ... You'll find the controls under transcode-> Project transcoder set .....
Antwort von Oettinger:
Thank you
in any case did not know that man with right-click on assets is the settings and there does. have now in the cs3-help "transcode" entered and found everything
Antwort von Oettinger:
nochmal ne demand
with quality specifications are:
car ....
what do you target as s.besten Ein?
my mov is about 50 minutes long and compressed photoJpeg75
target is: best quali
uncompressed or I would have expected to be out - and then handed over to s.encore?
which approach brings the best qualified on dvd?
danke nochmal
Antwort von Mylenium:
with quality specifications are:
car .... what do you target as s.besten Ein? "Automatic" tried everything in the Project is linked, to cram auf'ne DVD and converts the data itself. That is just silly, that usually does not work reliably and the data rates are too high, which he then refuses to burn to the Project. Therefore prefer a data manual set. in your case you massive air and can safely be coded with 6 Mbps. Uncompressed is, of course, (almost) always s.besten, however, is always the question of how the material is made. In case of doubt, because you see no difference and if you are not extremely critical points, you could certainly synonymous with PhotoJPEG happy.